This research work sought to determine the delinquent readership problems in libraries of colleges of education in Enugu and Ebonyi Sates. The main objective was to determine delinquent readership problems in three Colleges of Education Libraries in the two States. Five research questions were adopted for the study. Descriptive survey research method was adopted for the study. The instruments used were questionnaire (delinquent readership problems in Libraries of Colleges of Education in Enugu and Ebonyi States DRPCLQ) and interviews. The population of the study were the staff, students and the college librarians. The questionnaire was administered to 53 library staff of these three institutions to which 50 responded. Two interview schedules were constructed for students and college librarians and librarians of key areas (circulation, reference and serials) of these institutions, one for 45 students and the other one for the college librarians and librarians of key areas. The data collected was presented in tables and analyzed using means. It was discovered from the study that the three institution libraries experience delinquent readership behaviour in the form of hiding of library materials, mutilation, rip-off, theft, vandalism, answering of phone calls and noise-making. The factors responsible for these delinquent acts are poor security in the library, lack of photocopying facilities, lack of conscience among library users, and high cost of library materials These delinquent acts lead to inadequacy of library materials, frustration among the users and lack of interest in making use of the library materials among the users. Strategies for reducing the menace included: securing windows with burglar proofing and screens. orientation for new students, provision of photocopying facilities at reduced rates together with a standby generator and provision of adequate library materials.
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