Solid waste management is widely recognized as a major concern for cities in developing countries with the potential to cause negative impacts on national development activities like tourism and trade, food supplies, public health and environment. This study comparatively analyzed the solid waste management strategies of some cities in Nigeria which included: Uyo, Lagos, Maiduguri and Port Harcourt. The quantity and rate of solid waste generation in the cities, factors influencing the generation, solid waste types and categories, collection, disposal, reuse and recycle. It also presented the current solid waste practices and problems in Nigeria and also the trend of scavenging in some cities. Using the instrument of questionnaires, interviews and personal observation, the impact of the private sector operators on solid waste management was evaluated. Using statistical inference, management by Public and private operators in Port Harcourt were comparatively analyzed. This study found out that at 95% significance level, there were more private firms involved in solid waste management and Public–Private participation in Lagos than in Uyo and Maiduguri which boosted the frequency of waste collection and coverage in the city. Also the rate of material recovery via scavenging in Lagos was higher than that in Uyo and Maiduguri. The Private sector operators in Port Harcourt were found to be more effective on frequency of waste collection than the Public sector. The result of this study will be useful in decision /policy making and also in the adoption of a more effective solid waste management strategy.
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