Title page
Approval page
Table of contents
- Introduction
1.1 Background of the study
1.2 Statement of the problems
1.3 Objective of the study
1.4 Research Hypothesis
1.5 Significance of the study
1.6 Scope and limitation of the study
1.7 Historical background of the case study
1.8 Definition of terms
- Literature review
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Definition of leadership
2.3 Theories of leadership
2.4 Types of leadership/Leadership style
2.5 Factors that influence effective leadership
2.6 Function and quality of leadership
- Research Methodology
3.1 Introduction
3.2 The Research design
3.3 The study population
3.4 Sampling and sampling procedure
3.5 The methodology of data collection
3.6 The technique of statistical analysis
3.7 Conclusion
4.0 Presentation and data analysis-
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Analysis of data
4.2.1 Achievement of NBTE
4.2.2 Summary of presentation and analysis Findings
4.3 Discussion of findings
4.4 Text of Hypothesis
5.0 Summary, Findings, Conclusion and Recommendations
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Conclusion
5.3 Recommendations
Appendix I
Annex II
This research work seeks to investigate THE SIGNIFICANT OF EFFECTIVE LEADERSHIP IN THE ACHIEVEMENT OF ORGANIZATIONAL GOALS. The National board for Technical Education (NBTE), a federal government parastatals in charge of technical education was used as the case study. Three objectives were set. To find out whether the National Board for Technical Education has achieved the goals which was established to achieve; to study the style of leadership is effective in achieving organizational goals of the NBTE. Primary data were used in our analysis and the method of analysis adopted simple percentages. Our findings shows that the organization has achieved the goals it was set up to achieve, and among others things that the organization uses the democratic style of leadership in running its affairs, as well as the fact are well motivated. Our recommendation points to the need to further strengthen the organization for higher performance in the near future.
Leadership is highly desirable in any society as any organized set up for set goals to be achieved. This is because any organized body must have a purpose, goals and objectives for which the body has been organized, in chapter one, the subject matter of this research work was
introduced. The important aspect of the research work treated includes the study objectives, which corresponded with the content of the statement of the problem and the research hypothesis. In chapter two, the relevant literatures were review. These bordered on the various definitions of leadership, types of leadership, the theories of leadership and the factors influencing effective leadership. In chapter three we presented out methodology of data collection and data analysis. In this chapter we collected the data using the methods discussed in chapter three and we hereby present the results of our data collection for subsequent analysis.
Leadership is highly desirable in any society as any organized set goal to be achieved. This is because any organized body must have a purpose, goals and objectives for which the body has been organized, within the larger society or country, which in one word can be called the government, there are goals and objectives to be achieved without which the country may not exact and function effectively as an organized system. For example the goals set up by the Nigeria, leadership may be to give equal opportunities to every citizen to excel, the eliminate unemployment to give education to all citizens at least to the junior secondary level and stabilize price, etc.
At the level of organizations, the goals depend on whether the organization is a private or public entity. For a private entity such as a production firm, the goal is profit making and for public organization, the goals may be provision of social services or social infrastructure.
Therefore whether in a private or public organization the leadership has to be very effective for the goals of the organization to be achieved otherwise the purpose for which the organization has been established would be defeated.
The National Board for Technical Education (NBTE) is a public organization as a regulatory in 1977 by the federal government of Nigeria as a regulatory agency for all technical schools, colleges, polytechnics and others similar institutions in Nigeria. It oversees and supervises these institutions in their administrative, teaching and
physical development of the institutions and students, at the public and private levels. The Board was established to perform the following functions (goals) among others.
- To advice the Federal Government on, and co-ordinate all aspects of technical and vocational education failing outside the universities and to make recommendations on the national policy necessary for the training of technicians, craftsmen and other middle level and skilled manpower.
- To determine, after consultation with the National Manpower Board, the industrial Training Fund and other relevant bodies, the skilled and skilled-level manpower needs of the country in the industrial, commercial and other relevant fields for the purpose of planning training faculties and in particular to prepare periodic master-plans for the balanced and coordinated development of polytechnics.
- To inquire into and advice the federal government on the financial needs both recurrent and capital, of polytechnics and other technical institutions to enable them meet the objectives of producing the trained manpower needs of the country.
- To receive block grants from the Federal Government and allocate them to polytechnics in accordance with such formula as may be laid down by the Federal Executive council.
- To act as the agency for channeling all external aid to polytechnics in Nigeria.
- To advise on, and take steps to harmonise entry requirement and duration of courses at technical institutions.
- To lay down standards of skills to be attained and to continually review such standards as necessitated by technological and national needs.
- To review methods of assessment of students and trained and to develop a scheme of national certification for technicians, craftsmen, and other skilled personnel in collaboration with ministries and organizations having technical training programmes.
- To undertake periodic review of the terms and conditions of service of personnel in polytechnics and to make recommendations there onto the Federal Government; and
- To collate, analyse and publish information relating to technical and vocational education.
The board objective of this study is to investigate the role, of effective leadership in the achievement of organizational goals, with particular reference to the National Board for Technical Education. But more specifically, this research work seeks to achieve the following objectives:
- To find out whether the National Board for Technical Education has achieved the objectives for which it was established.
- To study the style of leadership used in running of the
organization; and - To find out whether the type of leadership is effective in achieving the organization goals of the NBTE.
- This study also concentrates on the success of the achievement and expansion of the organization.
- To examine how NBTE can cope with it organization achievement and expansion which can either pose threat or create opportunities.
- The objectives of this research work are to bring light into the significant of NBTE.
- To determine the level of effectiveness of organization achievement and expansion.
- To contribute to the knowledge of staffs mm the organization.
Hypothesis: This is the statement about the possible solution to the problem one is investigating.
Ho: Effective leadership has no impact in achievement of
organizational objectives.
Hi: Effective leadership had significant impact on achievement of organizational objectives.
The National Board for Technical Education was established to improve the quality of technical education at the secondary and tertiary levels. The organization, established in 1977 was mandated to perform certain functions which forms its organizational goals. In view of the importance of technical education for the technological development of Nigeria, the study is significant in that it will bring out the achievements of the organization since its inception in 1977.
This research work is also significant in that it will provide a source of materials for further research in the area.
The third point of significance of this study is that in addition to highlighting the achievement of the goals as failure of achieving the set goals of the organization by its leadership, the study will prove to be another case of testing the theories and applicability of the effective leadership principles.
Finally, this research work will prove to be a reference source for self evaluation of the National Board for Technical Education leadership for self improvement.
This study covers all the objectives set up in the enabling law. The period of the study is from inception of the organization in 1977 up to 2011. The leadership scope includes the Executive Secretary of the Board who is the Chief Accounting Officer, the Departmental
Directors, Deputy Directors and Assistant Directors.
The history of the National Board for Technical Education began in 1972 when the then Nigerian council for Science and Technology set up a working committee on scientific and Technical Manpower and Science Education. The working committee was mandated to produce a report on middle level technical manpower and their training needs. This was in response to the middle- level manpower need of the country after the Nigerian civil war which ended in March 1970.
Among other things, the working committee made the following recommendations;
- For the purpose of having a nationally accepted standard In technical education, there should be minimization of the entry qualifications and diploma standards throughout Nigeria;
- In order to eliminate the non-uniformity in terminal diplomas issued by existing colleges or technology, there should be a national certificate in technical education;
- In order to attract the right kind of staff to the technical colleges (now polytechnics) there should be a harmonization of technical staff standards including staff structure, remuneration and conditions of service;
- In view of the fact that course in many technical fields from which the National Development plans need to draw manpower at the middle-level are not provided in our existing colleges, there should be expansion of the
courses and faculties in the existing colleges; and new colleges should take into account the required course in planning their programmes. - In view of the gaps in the admission capacity and actual enrolment for the existing courses in the technical colleges, there should be full utilization of existing facilities through part-time admission policy,
including part-time admissions, and massive awards of technical scholarships; - In order to encourage more enrolment in technical courses, more avenues for practical experience for newly qualified trainees, showed by created; this can be achieved through immediate employment or the
trainees in public and private industries, using, if necessary, the facilities of the industrial training fund.
It was the desire for a technical board to implement the committee’s recommendations which creates the need for a board for technical education. Accordingly, the Technical Committee recommended the establishment of a board for technical education to implement its recommendations. With these recommendations in 1972, the Federal Government in its Third Development Plan (1975 – 1980), included the committee recommendations in the plan for the development of technical education at the post-secondary level in the plan period. This included the establishment of the National Board for Technical Education. As specified in the Development plan, the Board was expected to co-ordinate the activities of the technical institutions and ensure that course offering reflected national needs and had to have references similar to those of the National Universities Commission.
The Board was also to be the agent of Government for the financing and support of technical education. As a part of implementation of the Third National Development Plan, the National Board for Technical Education (NBTE) was established by Decree 9 of January 1977. The first Board
was inaugurated by the then Chief of Staff Supreme Headquarters, Major-General Shehu Yar’adua, who was however, represented by commodore Oduwaire (NBTE Brochure 1997:2-3) the goals or functions of the Board
have already been enumerated in section 1.2 of this research work.
Federal government agencies established in 1977 to supervise, monitors and regulate the establishment and operations of technical education institutions in Nigeria.
Technical Education: The Oxford Advance Learner’s Dictionary defines the word “technical” as something connected with the practical use of machinery, methods, etc in science and industry. In relation to this, the dictionary defines a technical college as a college where student can study mainly practical subjects. Consequently technical education can be defined as the types of education, which concerns itself with the study of practical subjects.
Development Plan: A national plan, which contains the development needs and objectives of a nation, with details of its implementation, including the financial implications. The plan IS usually for a period of time usually five years.
Leadership: Leadership IS defined as the ability to positively influence the actions of a group of people for the benefits of the whole group and to promote the general well-being of the society. It entails the use of one’s expertise and personal qualities to inspire the follower-ship to participate more actively in the group’s activities and to exert greater efforts in performing their assigned role which are aimed at achieving the organization’s broad objectives.
Effective Leadership: Leadership whose performance or effectiveness relating to the achievements of the goals of the organization is above average.
Leadership Theories: Theories that explains the different types of leadership, includes their advantages and disadvantages.
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