This study appraised the Management of Early Childcare Centres (ECC) in South East Zone of Nigeria. It was guided by six research questions and three null hypotheses. The study adopted a descriptive survey design. The population of the study consisted of 5,572 subjects (167 desk officers and 5405 head teachers). Simple random sampling was used in selecting 418 respondents (321 head teachers and 96 state desk officers) used for the study. A questionnaire titled Appraisal of the Management of Early Childcare Centres Questionnaire (AMECCQ) was developed and used for data collection. The instrument contained 53 items which focused on the appraisal of the management of Early Childcare Centres. The instrument was dually validated by experts and the reliability coefficient was established using Crombach alpha. The six research questions were analyzed using means and Standard Deviation, while z-test statistics was used to test the three null hypotheses at 0.05 level of significance. An overview of the overall results showed that ECC are to a little extent established in compliance with the national minimum standard as prescribed by NERDC. Equally, staff is to a little extent recruited in compliance with the national minimum standard basic qualification as prescribed by NERDC. Likewise, ECC are to a very little extent supervised in compliance with the national minimum standard prescribed by NERDC. Also, staff relates with children to a little extent in ECC Equally, ECC to a very little exprtent relate with communities where ECC centres are located and that ECC authorities to a little extent protect the rights of children. Based on the results of the study, the researcher recommends that; National and State desk officers should embark on regular visitation to ensure that ECC are established in compliance with the national minimum standard as prescribed by NERDC.
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