The purpose of this research was to assess security and crime prevention strategies in DELSU and UNIBEN libraries. In line with this, the study focused on the various kinds of security strategies in the library which help prevented loss of materials through theft, verbal/ physical assault, overdue, mutilation and misuse. 5 research questions was design based on the 5 objectives of the study. This study was a case study that involve one University each in Delta and Edo State respectively. The population of the study is 95 and this includes only librarians with at least first degree from both university under study, 33 librarians from DELSU and 62 librarians from UNIBEN. The instrument for data collection which was developed by the researcher was a questionnaire; Assessment of security and crime prevention strategies in DELSU and UNIBEN library questionnaire (ASCPSDULQ). This instrument was first validated by the researcher’s supervisor with her comment that led to the reconstruction and adjustment of some part and corrections were made accordingly. The instrument used for the collection of data was administered by the researcher and with the aid of research assistants who were assigned to various operational units in each sampled university libraries. Mean and standard deviation were used to analyse the five research questions. The study revealed that some of the culprit of this offence in the library were much more members of the organization, not just students. Recommendations to solve the problem include: the use of electrical devices, one entry and exit point by users. Findings revealed that the various university librarians always assess the extent of security in the libraries and that their various management team are highly interested in the security of the library and that some of the culprits in the library are library staff, others are that security personnel are always available in the library.
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