Statement of the Problem
Objective of the Study
Significance of the Study
Definition of Terms
Historical Background of BBC-WST
HIV/AIDS Campaign programmes of the BBC-WST in Nigeria
Historical of Kano state
Impact of the BBC-WST on HIV/AIDS Eradication Campaign in Kano.
Problem Faci ng the BBC-WST on HIV/AIDS Eradication Campaign in Kano State.
Possible solution to the Problem
Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (Aids) virus is a dangerous disease for human being, which rapidly growing in the world. It because the most concerned human disease these day all over the world.
The virus is very harmful and is have no cure. Someone contrast it into his blood cells. But the major concern about the virus contracting to human is how to manage and live a healthy life without stigmatization.
According to the avert research unit the first case of Aids in Nigeria was identified in 1986. since then, the federal Ministry of health has been carrying out a National Hiv/Syphilis Sentinel seroprevalence survey from 1991 in every two years to date.
The 2003 survey of the federal Ministry of Health, estimated that there were three million (3,300,000) and three hundred thousand adult loving with HIV/AIDS in Nigeria, and one million nine hundred thousand (1,900,000) about 57% of these were women in the same year, the National HIV prevalence had dropped to 5% to 5.8% in 2001.
However, it fund that, state prevalence rates varied from as low as 1.2% in Osun state to as high as 12% in Cross River state. Overall of is of Nigeria’s 36 states had an HIV prevalence, over 5%. In 2005, it was estimated there were two hundred and twenty thousand (22000) death from AIDS and nine hundred and thirty thousand AIDs Orphans living in Nigeria. There has been an alarming increase in the number of HIV positive children, in recent years, 90% of whom contract the virus is from their mothers.
Currently, very few Nigerians have access to basic HIV/AIDS prevention, care support or treatment services such as Antiretroviral drugs and therapy (ARV/ART) in which provided by the National Antiretroviral programme. There are governmental and non governmental organisation (NGO`s) which provides such services to the victims of HIV/AIDS. Such as;
- National Action Committee on Aids (NACA)
- State Action Committee on Aids (saca)
- Local Action Committee on Aids (LACA)
Those are the governmental outlets for HIV/AIDS eradication Committee in Nigeria. It varies from local government to the state, up to the federal level. Among the non-governmental organisation are
- Society for Family Health (SFH)
- International Centre for Sexual Reproductive Rights (INREESE).
- United States Agency for international Development (USAID).
- Department for international Development (DFID).
- BBC World Service Trust (HIV/AIDS PROJECT) (BBC – WST).
Those are the few among others which are working towards the eradication of HIV/AIDS in Nigeria. And at the same time they are working toward the sexual reproductive health as a process of eradicating the virus contract here in Nigeria and the World in general.
According to the avert research 80% of HIV/AIDS infectionsin Nigeria are transmitted by intersexual sex. Factors contributing to this include the lack of knowledge and information about sexual reproductive health and HIV/AIDS issues. Low level of condom use is also contributing high level of sexual transmitted infections always make it easier for the virus to be transmitted.
Blood transfusion is also responsible for about 10% of all HIV infections. There is a high demand for blood because of road accidents blood loss from surgery and child birth or anemia from malaria. Its is also observed that the reason behind the persistent high rate of aids in Nigeria is as a result of knowledge among people even with the media campaigns on how eradicate the virus like the BBC-WST campaign. This informed the need for a study to assess the impact of the BBB-WST campaign project on HIV/AIDS eradication in Nigeria.
This research work assess the impact of the BBC-WST HIV/AIDS project in Nigeria and Kano particularly and at the same time.
(1) To a find out the effort of their programmes on sexual reproductive health generally.
(2) To find out the reason for level of knowledge on HIV/AIDS.
(3) To help the BBC-WST to know their efforts and which areas do they need to give more priority.
The BBC-WST programmes designed to cover Nigeria as a whole on sexual reproductive health. But this research work is limited to Kano state on HIV/AIDS and sexual reproductive health issues.
The research is also limited to HIV/AIDS enlightenment campaign in Kano by the BBC-WST, especially for the lack of knowledge and information which is harming the masses of Kano State.
The importance of this research work is to show the BBC-WST an assessment of their programmer, and the impact of how those programmes are on the people, especially in Kano State. It also of the benefit to the academic purposes, which for that adds to the volume of loteration in the library. The government of Kano State will have an insight on how to formulate policies to fight the HIV/AIDS in the state.
- BBC world service Trust (BBC-WST).
- Promoting Sexual and Reproductive Health and Reduction Programme (PSRHH).
- National Action Committee on AIDS (NACA)
- State Action Committee on AIDS (SACA)
- Local Action Committee on AIDS (LACA)
- Society for Family Health (SFH).
- Department for International Development (DIFD)
- Human Immune Deficiency Virus (HIV)
- Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS)
- Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD)
- Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI)
- United States Agency for International Development
- Antiretroviral Therapy (ART)
- Antiretroviral Drugs (ARV).
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