The aim of this study is to find out the availability and use of information and communication technology (ICT) resources in teaching and learning of chemistry in Government secondary schools in Njikoka Local Government Area in Anambra State. The population of the sample was 264 chemistry students and simple random sampling technique was used to select 120 chemistry students. Questionnaire was used for data collection and administered to 120 chemistry students in 6 Government secondary schools in Njikoka Local Government Area. Mean was used to analyze data. The analysis revealed that ICT resources such as computer, internet facilities, scanner, printer, stabilizer, CD-ROM, diskettes, radio, Television, computer laboratories which enhances the teaching and learning of chemistry, computer should be made compulsory for all science teachers at all levels of education, in particularly teacher training institute. School principals should encourage practising teachers to attend seminars, conference and workshop on computer and its usage in teaching and learning and information and communication technology should be integrated in teaching and learning of chemistry in secondary schools. Government should provide enough funds for schools and also provide special allowance for computer training and see that the cost of computer is not too expensive to purchase.
Background to the Study
Information and Communication technology have become key tools and had revolution impact on how we see the world and how we live. Today, the place of ICT in education and the world in general cannot be undermined.
According to Oxford Advanced learners Dictionary 6th Edition, information is the fact about somebody or something. Communication means the process of expressing ideas and feelings. Technology means the scientific knowledge used in practical ways. In industry, for example in designing new machines. Hence information and communication technology refers to all those electronic devices that are used in broadcasting telecommunications and all other electronically related information and communication system. Some of those devices include laptop, palmtop and computer. Information and communication technology (ICT) has great potentials and applications in science education in particular and all aspects of life in general.
According to Bandel (2016), ICT is a revolution that involves the use of computers, internet and other telecommunication technology in every aspect of human endeavour.
Ofodu (2012), refers to ICT as Electronic or computerized devices, assisted by human and interactive materials that can be used for a wide range of teaching and learning as well as for personal use. The availability and use of information and communication technology is desirable considering the relevance of science education to the technological advancement. Information and communication technology has substantially changed the world, creating new patterns of social and economic interaction and information of life style, work and communication.
In the Nigerian Educational system today, the teaching and learning of chemistry are being done mainly using lecture method with less emphasis on practical and demonstration method (Achuonye 2012). Today chemistry as a science subject is facing a lot of problems in terms of teaching and learning in senior secondary schools. Generally, students sometimes shy away from chemistry either because of its difficulty or inadequate methods of teaching by the employed teachers.
The sad story is that many of the government owned secondary schools that received these computers do not use them for either administrative or teaching and learning purposes. This indicates that the teachers and students are still lagging behind in the trend of changes in the world. This also shows that there is the tendency for the teachers and students to be denied the opportunities which information and technology offers in the teaching and learning activities. There is need to replace the traditional pedagogical practices that still underpin the educational system in the state, hence there is the need for the application of ICT in Nigerian senior secondary schools.
To teach chemistry in an understandable way, there is the need to use different teaching aids and strategies by teachers. One is therefore worried that is it that there are not enough computers to supply to schools or that school on the other hand has failed to use them. Therefore this study is aimed at determining the extent of availability and use of ICT resources in teaching and learning of chemistry.
Statement of the Problem
In the Nigerian educational system today, the teaching and learning of chemistry are being done mainly using lecture method with less emphasis on practical and demonstration method (Achuonye, 2012). The call for application of ICT in senior secondary schools education is to infuse efficiency and effectiveness in teaching and learning of chemistry. However in Nigeria, ICT is faced with challenges of insufficient ICT resources such as laptops, desktop computers. Previous studies by scholars in the field of study show that there is lack of trained teachers. This implies that ICT in senior secondary schools education is faced with challenges of its availability and use. Therefore, this research is aimed at determining the extent of availability and use of I CT resources in teaching and learning of chemistry in senior secondary school.
Purpose of the Study
The purpose of this study is to examine the level of availability and use of ICT resources in teaching and learning of chemistry. The study specifically seeks to find out the
1. Extent of availability of ICT resources in senior secondary schools.
2. Extent of usage of Information and Communication Technology resources in teaching and learning of chemistry.
3. Problems of using ICT resources in teaching and learning of chemistry.
4. Proffered solution to the identified problems.
Significance of the Study
This study focuses on the extent of availability and usage of ICT resources in teaching and learning of chemistry in senior secondary schools in Njikoka Local Government Area. Hence, this study will help the government, the school the teachers and the students at improving in the utilization of ICT in senior secondary schools as well as making available ICT resources in the various senior secondary schools, so as to enable the teachers and students to acquire enough skills and to fulfill the objective of the national policy on education (Federal republic of Nigeria) towards the promotion of ICT in schools.
Scope of the Study
The scope of this study is limited to “The availability and use of ICT resources in teaching and learning of chemistry in senior secondary schools in Njikoka Local Government Area.”
Research Questions
To guide the study, the following research questions were asked.
1. To what extent are information and communication technology resources available in senior secondary schools?
2. To what extent are ICT resources used in teaching and learning of chemistry in senior secondary schools?
3. What are the problems of using ICT resources in teaching and learning of chemistry?
4. What are the proffered solutions to the identified problems?
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