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Category: English

A study of regional dialects in English

Introduction Language is a powerful tool that shapes our identities and connects us to our communities. One of the fascinating aspects of language is the presence of regional dialects, which are variations in speech patterns…

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A study of regional dialects in English

Introduction Language is an essential part of human communication, and it plays a significant role in shaping our identities and cultures. English, being one of the most widely spoken languages in the world, has a…

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A study of regional dialects in English

Introduction: Regional dialects in English have long been a topic of interest for linguists and language enthusiasts alike. These variations in language can provide insight into the cultural, historical, and geographical influences that shape the…

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Linguistic markers of deception

Introduction Deception is a common phenomenon in human communication, and the ability to detect deception has important implications in various fields such as law enforcement, psychology, and intelligence gathering. Linguistic markers of deception refer to…

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Word formation in scientific terminology

Introduction: Word formation in scientific terminology is a crucial aspect of scientific communication. The use of specific terms and vocabulary is essential for conveying precise meaning and facilitating effective communication among scientists and researchers. Understanding…

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Word formation in scientific terminology

Introduction Word formation in scientific terminology is a crucial aspect of academic writing and communication in the field of science. The use of precise and accurate scientific terminology is essential for conveying complex concepts and…

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The portrayal of women in Victorian novels

Introduction The Victorian era is known for its strict social norms and expectations, particularly when it comes to the roles and portrayal of women in society. Victorian novels, which were written during the reign of…

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The portrayal of women in Victorian novels

Introduction The Victorian era marked a significant period in literature, characterized by the portrayal of women in novels. Women in Victorian novels were often depicted as either the idealized angel in the house or the…

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The pragmatics of hashtag use

Introduction In the modern era of social media, hashtags have become an integral part of online communication. Originally popularized on Twitter, hashtags are now used across various social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, and…

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The pragmatics of hashtag use

Introduction The use of hashtags has become a ubiquitous phenomenon in today’s digital age. Originally popularized on social media platforms such as Twitter and Instagram, hashtags have now permeated various aspects of online communication and…

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