Biodiesel was produced from Avocado (Persea Americana) pulp oil by trans esterification with methanol and ethanol (6:1 methanol/ethanol-to-oil ratio) using 0.09% sodium hydroxide as catalyst in 60 minutes reaction time. The percentage yield of the methyl ester was 78% while that of the ethyl ester yield was 66%. Avocado pulp oil (APO) biodiesel obtained in each case showed good qualities on characterization with the fuel properties showing good qualities and promising diverse applications for various purposes. The brown coloured APO methyl ester was of similar acid value (0.8) with the standard ASTM D6751, with relative density (0.86) similar with that of the standard ASTM D975 petrodiesel but with slightly higher kinematic viscosity (8.1cst) than those of petrodiesel, while the ethyl ester has a higher acid value (1.26) and the relative density was 0.01 above that of petrodiesel. The pour point of the methyl eroster (-40C) and that of the ethyl ester (-20C) were within the standards specified by ASTM D975 for petrodiesel and ASTM D6751 for biodiesel.
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