The study on the effect of production management techniques on product quality in selected manufacturing in South East Nigeria was motivated by the need to provide solutions to the problem of quality and production management techniques on product quality in manufacturing firms in South East, Nigeria. The study set out to accomplish the five specific objectives form which appropriate research questions and hypotheses were formulated. The study adopted survey design. The population of the study was 9,285 staff of the 39 selected manufacturing firms in Abia State, Anambra state, Enugu State and Imo state in South East Nigeria. A sample size of 564 was determined form the population using Godden formal sample size determination models. Pearson product moment correlation coefficient was used in testing the validity and the reliability of the research instrument. The result was 0.98 indicating a high degree of reliability. The hypotheses were tested non paramentric statistical technique which included spearman’s rank order correlation, Analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Pearson product moment correlation coefficient. The major findings of the study were that programming technique had a significant positive effect on production plan (r cal = 0.99 > r critical = 0.95). There was significant positive relationship between product ordering technique and needed resource output. (F cal = 170.57 > F critical =10.59). Dispatching technique had a significant positive effect on production activities (Pcal = 0.05 > Pcritical = 0.95). Follow-up technique had a significant positive effect on production control. (P cal = 0.05 > Pcritical = 0.82). Quality control techniques had a significant positive effect on process designing (Pcal = 0.818 > p = 0.96). The study concluded that the application of modern production management techniques will transform human resources manufacturing practice in South East Nigeria. This will place Nigeria’s firms as global players in the manufacturing sector. Based on the findings, these recommendations were made that, the manufacturing firms should invest in human capital in the area of modern production techniques. Product ordering technique should be highly observed for best practice in global manufacturing and business. Dispatching technique along with other production activities should be strictly observed in practice. Follow-up technique has to be maintained to facilitate the utilization of best practices. Because of globalization, quality control techniques have to gain way for best practice I global manufacturing. The interference of manufacturing Gross Domestic Product should improve its contribution to manufacturing by interfering on the adoption of international best practices in manufacturing.
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