This study investigated the effects of film. Modelling and direct-teaching techniques on self-concepts of schooling adolescents. The study adopted the quasi-experimental design. The sample for the study comprised one hundred and fifteen (115) secondary school students drawn from three (3) out of four (4) co-education public secondary schools in Nsukka urban. All the SSI students in the four co-education schools made up the population. Intact class of SSIA students in each of three schools were purposively selected as sample for the study comprising twenty (20) male students and twenty (20) female students from school (1) for direct-teaching experimental group, twenty (20) male students and fifteen (15) female students from school (2) for film modelling experimental group, while twenty (20) male students and twenty (20) female students from school (3) for control group. Direct-teaching experimental group was taught on how to enhance self-concept. Film-modelling experimental group was shown filmed drama on how to enhance self-concept, while the control group did not received any treatment than the normal counselling services with their school guidance counsellor. Eight research questions and twelve null hypotheses guided the study. The instrument used for data collection from the respondents in each group was modified Tennessee self-concept scale. Data collected were analyzed using mean, standard deviation and analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) at an alpha level of 0.05. In conclusion, summary of results reveal that the students exposed to direct teaching technique and film modelling techniques each performed better than the control group on the acquisition of physical, moral and social self-concept. Further, the result of the study reveals that gender has no significant mean effect on overall self-concept. Also it was revealed from the results that film modelling technique proved more effective than direct teaching for improvement of moral self-concepts of schooling adolescents. Based on these findings the researcher made vital recommendations and suggestions for further studies.
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