The Study on Effect of Human Capital Management on performance of Selected Business Organizations in South East Nigeria was motivated by the high rate of business failures in Nigeria and the need to proffer solutions. The study was guided by five objectives from which 5 research questions and hypotheses were formulated .The descriptive survey was adopted by the study. The research instrument used were questionnaires and oral interviews. The population of the study was 4298 employees from ten (10) manufacturing business organization selected from South East Nigeria comprising of five states, Abia, Anambra, Ebonyi, Enugu and Imo State. A sample size of 556 was determined from the population using Freund and William formula. Spearman Correlation was used to test the validity and reliability of the research instruments. The result was 0.92 indication high degree of relationship. The hypotheses were tested using Pearson’s Correlation Statistic for hypotheses 1,2 and 4 while hypotheses 3 and 5 were tested using ANOVA (one way). The result revealed that the Employees recruitment practices in the selected organization had positive effect on the share holder’s returns on investment(P<0.01 ) versatility as a skill in the selected organizations was highly significant and contributed to increase in market share of the organization (P<0.01), Quality health care available in the selected organization was significant and this contributed to their profitability the (P<0.01); the motivation and financial incentives for the employees of the selected organization is not significant and do not influence their productivity it has a (P<0.000) and the retention strategies applied by he selected organization were not significant and such did not have positive effect on profitability(P<0.000) Based on the above result of the study, the following recommendations were made: Business organization should endeavour to apply the correct procedures in recruitment of employees by advertising vacancies, use aptitude tests to ascertain the intelligence of applicants, this will help. Business organizations should adopt various motivation and financial incentives for their employees to boost the morale of their employee thereby increase their productivity. Organizations should have staff clinic managed by qualified medical personalities, this will reduce cost caused by inflated bill and reduce absenteeism. The strategies towards retention of quality employees should be adopted by business organization because it is more economical for organization to retain high profile and talented productive employee than allow him go while he is replaced with a novice.
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