The main purpose of this work was to Evaluate the Implementation of the Social Studies Curriculum in Junior Secondary Schools in Enugu State. Out of the six educational zones in Enugu State namely, Agbani, Awgu, Enugu, Nsukka, Obollo-Afor and Udi, Nsukka educational zone was selected for the study. Using proportionate stratified random sampling techniques, 25 social studies teachers in 20 schools in the educational zone were selected. Structure Systematic Observation Schedule (SSOS) and Social Studies Evaluation Questionnaire (SSEQ) were used for data collection. Data collection comprised of 25 teachers used for observation while 200 teachers were given questionnaires. Therefore, a total of 225 teachers formed the sample of the study. The data were analysed using mean as standard deviation to find out the responses of social studies teachers. Results from the study showed that level of qualification can make a difference in the teachers who teach social studies and most importantly on the Implementation of Social Studies Curriculum in Junior Secondary Schools. Social studies teachers employ discussion, discovery, problem-solving, inquiry and expository method while teaching. The teachers employed the students’ activities in the curriculum, geared towards critical reflective thinking that is learner based while most students have many other things to do, either in the school or outside the school which cause them to get easily distracted from their school work. Based on the findings, recommendations were made which include that government should organize workshops and seminars to re-train teachers in proper implementation of the social studies curriculum in Junior Secondary Schools and that social studies teachers should endeavour to use learner centered strategies like students activities in teaching and learning so that students will contribute in the process and thus make learning more concrete.
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