Effective Recruitment and Selection as a tool for achieving higher employee productivity in an organization. – Complete Project Material





It is no doubt that the achievement of
the corporate objectives largely depends on the caliber of human resources or
personnel factors that make up such organization. Since, the survival of any
ideal organization is a function of the nature and quality composition of such
venture. This crucial fact influenced the recruitment and selection practices
with special emphasis to first Banks Plc.


In many organizations, the
reasonability for the choice of new employee is shared between line management
and human resource department. The human resource department should be
competent to advice on the most modern and best techniques and practices as
well as provide a professional support and monitoring service, while line
management is involved in the final decision as to who does or does not work in
their department. It is therefore very glaring that line managements must be
trained, and advised in selection matters especially interviewing.


The need for recruitment and selection
in any organization depends upon the number of existing vacancies to be filled
or new post to be created. Generally speaking, the conducts of recruitment and
selection processes are cost involved and such could be advertising cost,
testing cost, interviewing, placement and event employment cost. In view of
these, there is much need for any ideal organization to exhibit the concept of
seriousness, commitment, merit selection and organizational diplomacy in the
conduct of recruitment and selection exercises. Once organizational yield to
these facts, it would go along way to influence the velocity of the attainment
of corporate objectives and also reduce the rate of labour turnover drastically,
First Bank Plc would be not be exemption.

Recruitment according to “Thomas H.
Stone” is a systematic and organized procedure where potential employees are
obtained for selection and placement in the organization through a variety of

The sources can be from the following:

1.    Institutions e.g. universities,
polytechnics, colleges of education

2.    Recruitment agencies, such as Author
Andrew, Omoloye and Associate etc.

3.    relative and friends

4.    labor exchange e.g. labour minisry i.e.
ministry of labour and productivity.

5.    Internal labour market

After recruitment, selecton is the next
step in the employment process. The main purpose of selection is to choose
individuals that are most likely to succeed on the job from these that are
available or responded to the advertisement or limitation to apply for the  job vacancies.

The human element has been considered
the most crucial in the attainment of any organizations objectives. Therefore,
selection procedure involve the screening of candidates according to the
progressive series of steps designed to eliminate those who in some says are
unsuitable. It involves submitting a comprehensive information or data on the
applicant and conducting physical or medical examination, aptitude test,
interview and reference checks on the applicant.

Once an individual has been deemed fit
to be employed, the person is offered an appointment letter and given the
conditions of his/her appointment and responsibilities. The individuals
acceptance of the appointment is implicitly a contract to seal and accept the
obligation of his/her appointment and perform his/her duties that assigned to
him/her for a certain remuneration.


The recruitment and selection policies
of first Bank Plc have been claimed to be inefficient and inefficient, hence
the research intends to seek remedies to 
this occurrence.


Crime such as fraud, human errors and
time spend by customers in the bank before being attended to have become a
major problem to the management. High labour turn-over as a result of the new
generation banks has equally become a teething problem. Hence the following
questions are designed.

–       What are the recruitment and selection
problems in Nigeria
particularly first bank Plc?

–       Can
recruitment and selection procedure have and effect on organizational

–       How
can we achieve and selection process?



access the efficiency and effectiveness of first bank of Nigeria Plc
recruitment and selection  policies as
well as comparing them to the practices.

 To find out the effectiveness of recruitment
and selection pressures used. And recommend possible improvement.

access and ensure the employment of competent and well  qualified 
staff that  care able, willing and
capable of  working with the best of
their ability toward achieving greater productivity as well as organizational
objective according to the required standard.                                       

access and ensure the total eradication of bias and favouritism and also to
exhibit justice and fair play in terms of recruitment and selection exercise
undertaking to fill in, the  vacant  spaces in an organization.

determine the judicious maintenance of both human and material resources in the


This project is an attempt to find   out how a recruitment and selection
procedure is conducted in first Bank Plc. In this regard, the researcher
formulated hypothesis. These hypothesis are classified into null and alternative

Ho: Effective recruitment and selection
procedures have no  effect on employees’ productivity.                                                                                               

Hi: Effective recruitment and selection
procedures have  effect on employees’ productivity.               

1.5    SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY                                                                                                                                                                                                   

The importance of this study stems from
the fact that employment of workers involves first of all a deliberate process
of manpower planning to determine the right kind of workers and right number of
workers required for efficient and effective operation of the organization

It also provide further lectures to
students and general public at large for a critical assessment of the
importance and vital role of recruitment and selection of workforce and its
impact on organization with particular reference to first bank of Nigeria Plc.


The geography of this research work is
confirmed to the First Bank Plc Kaduna headquarter. But however as a financial
institution that have live above board for many decades, it has several
branches both within and outside  the
state, but with its headquarters at Lagos.
All branches are however answerable to

the headquarter as major managerial
decisions are often initiated there. As such first hand information for this
research for this research would have been readily available there.

In writing this research thus, one is
bound to be confronted  by certain constraints  which often become a “clog in the wheel of
progress”.  The study is not exempted
from these obstacles. Time constraints, school schedules, financial handicap
and all other culminates in dwarfing my effort. At the bank again, getting the
attention of the top management, other staff and customers readiness divulge
information often turn difficult as most 
are completely engaged in their 
ever demanding duties. Equally, the preparation and administering
questionnaires all attracts cost which constituted to limit its spray.                             


For over a century now, first Bank
Nigeria Plc has remain a distinctive banking institution and a major
contributor to the economic advancement and development in Nigeria. A shipping Mogule sir
Alfred Jones from Liverpool founded the bank.
At infancy the bank commence as a small operation in the office of Elder
Demster and company in Lagos.
In March 31st 1894, it was incorporated as a limited liability
company with head office in Liverpool.  Under the corporate name of the Bank of
British west Africa (BBWA) to started business with a paid up capital of 12,000
pounds sterlin after absorbing its predecessors the African banking corporation
which was established earlier in 1892. this giant step signaled the pre-eminent
position which the bank was to occupy in the banking  industry in west Africa.

In its early years of operation, the
bank recorded an impressive  growth and
work abreast with the colonial government in performing the traditional
function of a central bank. These functions includes among others. Issuance of
spaces in the west Africa sub region to justify its west Africa coverage. A
branch was opened in Accra (Gold coast) Ghana in1896, and in Freetown, sierra Lenone in 1898.

These heralded the genesis of the
bank’s international operations. Progressively in Nigeria
a branch was opened  in the old Calabar
in 1900 and two years  later, service
were extended to the northern Nigeria.
With 336 branches spread throughout the federation, the bank maintains the
largest network in the industry in Nigeria. To satisfy the needs of
its customers, First Bank has diversified into a wide range of banking service
and activities which include among others: corporate and retail banking
registrar ship, trusteeship and insurance brokerage. In addition, as part of
its strategy to progressive internalization in November 2002, the bank became
the fist financial institution in Nigeria
to establish a subsidiary bank in the UK. Over the year the bank has
experience a blossoming growth. With a share capital of N55.6 million in 1980,
the banks share capital grew to N813 million as at March 2001. The bank’s total
assets – base was N212 billion while its deposit base stood at N148.3 billion
as at March N41.55 billion i.e. N22.5K/share as at March 2001.

To reposition and take advantage of
opposition in the changing environments, the bank embarked on several
restructuring initiative in 1957, it changed name from bank of British West Africa
to bank of West Africa. In 1969, the bank was
incorporated locally as standard bank of Nigeria limited in line with the
company’s decree of 1968. Changes in the names of the bank also occurred in
1979 and 1991, to first bank of Nigeria
limited to first bank of Nigeria Plc respectively. In 1985, the introduced a
decentralized structure with five regional administrations. This was
reconfigured in 1992 to enhance the bank’s operational efficiency in 1996, the
bank introduced the FBN Century II project to revolutionize its operations in
line with the dynamics of the environment. FBN got listed on the Nigerian stock
exchange NSE in March 1971 and has won the NSE president merit award nine times
for the best financial report in the banking sector.

The bank has continued to be a leader
in financing long-term development of the economy, which was demonstrated in
1947 when the long term loan was advanced to the then colonel government.

1.8    DEFINITION OF KEY TERMS                                         

To make a research  work such as this comprehensive to even an
average reader, it became every 
important to define some salient features involved in the theme. These  salient terms are defined as follows:

The term management is defined as a process of planning, organizing,
directing, coordinating and controlling material and non-material resource
toward achieving organizational objectives.    

RECRUITMENT: Is the process of searching for
prospective employees stipulating them to apply for job in an organization.

SELECTION: Is the process which involves series of
activities aimed at identifying the best candidate for job or positions from
the pool  of the recruits.

MANPOWER: The number of workers needed or
available to do a particular job.

POLICY: A plan of action agreed or chosen.

PRODUCTIVITY: Unit of output per work machine hour or
total output/total input.

EFFECTIVENESS: Is producing the result that is wanted
or need in producing a successful result.

ORGANIZATIONAL: Structure of relationship
so as to get the work done.

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