
CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY Participation is the mental and emotional involvement of people in group situations that encourages them to contribute to group goals and share responsibility for them. There are three important ideas regarding participation in decision making involvement, contribution and responsibility. Firstly, participation means meaningful involvement rather than mere muscular activity. A second concept in participation is that it motivates people to contribute. They are empowered to release their own resources and creativity to achieve the objectives of the organization (Newstrom 2005). Participation especially improves job satisfaction by helping officer manager understand their paths towards goals. Participation encourages people to accept responsibility for their group activities. It is social processes by which people become self involved in an organization and want to see it work successfully (Newstrom & Davis,2004). Participation can have statistically significant effects on performance and job satisfaction (Wagner et al1997). Participate practices may provide power opportunities earlier to minority workers in an increasingly diverse workforce, since such workers need not wait until reaching higher organizational levels. It also helps to satisfy the awakening officer manager need for meaning and fulfillment at work. Participation typically brings higher output and a better quality of output. It tends to improve job satisfaction because workers feel more accepted and involved in the situation. Turnover and absences may be reduced if the workers feel that they have a better place to work (Newstrom& Davis, 2004). Participation means interaction or discussion which aim is to achieve a set objective or trying to reach a decision. Decision is a choice between alternative goals or alternative means of achieving objectives. 1.2 STATEMENT OF PROBLEMS Many researchers have been carried out on workers participation in decision making. Research has shown that workers participation in decision making has a strong correlation to an organizational productivity. This study seeks to identify the level of performance as a result of workers participation in decision making. It is also aimed at identifying the different motivational impact which the participation of workers in decision making has brought on the workers themselves and the organization as whole. 1.3 OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY The main objective of this study is to examine officer manager participation in decision making and job performance. Other objectives are as follows: 1. To examine the effect of officer manager participation on organizational performance. 2. To find out ways/methods of introducing effective officer manager participation programmes in an organization. 3. To determine the challenges those are associated with employee participation. 4. To examine the problems of not allowing officer manager to participate in decision making that concern them? 1.4 SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY The study aims at contributing to the literature in employee participation in decision making and job performance. Also, this work on completion will broaden the essence workers participation in decision making in an organization. Also, this work is intended to identify measures to be taken in allowing officer manager in an organization to participate in making decisions that concerns them. 1.5 RESEARCH QUESTION The following research question is used to guide the researcher: 1. What is the effect of officer manager participation on organizational performance? 2. What are the ways/methods of introducing effective officer manager participation programmers in an organization? 3. What are the challenges that are associated with officer manager participation? 4. What are the problems of not allowing officer manager to participate in decision making that concern them? 1.6 SCOPE OF THE STUDY The scope of this research was confined to Dangote Cement Port Harcourt as it develops practices and policies to guide employee participation in decision making. It deals directly with the department of human resources. 1.7 LIMITATION OF THE STUDY This research work had some problems one of which was the lack of finds. This prevented the researcher from covering other organizations to have a wider view of the problem under study. Also, the attitude of some of the respondents posed a lot of set back to the study; this was either incomplete of the questionnaire or inaptitude towards the researcher by the respondent. Another was the limited time within the project work is expected to be completed coupled with other academic work at hand. This caused the researcher a great problem as he finds it difficult to cope with both at same time. 1.9 DEFINITION OF TERMS Office Manager:

DECISION MAKING: Is a choice between alternative goals or between alternative means of objectives. JOB PERFORMANCE: This is known as work, which a worker does in relation to establish the standard which is expected of him. PARTICIPATION: Participation means interaction or decision which aim is to achieve a set objective or trying to reach a decision.


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