The Implication on the use of Contraceptive products on the selected barangays in Quezon City. – – Complete Project Material


Project Description



As of now, the current population of our country is now 101,802,706, according to     thePhilippines Statistical Office latest census. Some countries required one child policy like Japan and China to prevent the population growth but this kind of policy is far from happening here in the country. This is why DOH and other concerned government agencies give emphasis in the importance of family planning, and this includes the usage of contraceptive products.

Condoms and Pills are the most common contraceptive products in the market. Other products like Oral Contraception, Emergency Contraception, Foaming tablets, and Lubes, can be availed in any convenient store and drug store without the prescription of the doctor. However, even though these contraceptive products are accessible ordinary families are not interested in using these, while the Injectable, IUD, Implants, and Syringe can’t be availed without prescription of the doctor. This way only upper class family who can purchase Contraceptive products and really interested in planning their families, while the lower class families prioritize their basic needs like food, rather than other things that is why our population is continuously increasing. Then there are cases of sexually transmitted infections, based on the study conducted by Department of Health more young Filipinos have acquired the HIVand Philippines HIV/AIDS research revealed that in this January 2015 almost 118 of the HIV patients are belong to the 15 to 25 age bracket. These are the problems our country is facing today, and our government is trying their best to come up with solutions. They are also trying to disseminate information by creating infomercials about family planning but those are still not enough to open the eyes of Filipino families.

This study will determined the lapses despite the advantages of contraceptive products, and the level of the users’ knowledge about contraception and the services that’s been delivered directly to them by the government. This study can also help the manufacturing company ways on how to improve the awareness of the consumers on their products

Background of the Study

With the huge population of the country, and still increasing rapidly everyday not to mention the different sexually transmitted infections (STI’s), that are infecting many Filipinos now. The Philippine Statistical Authority reported that everyday there are 4755 babies are born, in that case the Philippines still have the highest fertility rate in Asia, that is why our country needs a protection from all of this. The protections we need are offered to us by the contraceptives. Here in our country contraceptives or any ideas about family planning are not common concepts, especially to the lower income families. Even though our government agencies like DOH is trying to spread information and knowledge regarding these ideas. Another factor why Filipinos don’t have enough ideas about these is because of our conservative nature and religion. POPCOMM and DOH are trying to teach Filipinos to be aware in various family planning methods, they are conducting seminars about reproductive health and the benefits of using contraceptive products, they also push the fertility rate to have two children only to every woman.

Here in our country DKT, a charitable non-profit company and the main distributor of many contraceptive products that also help the government that promotes family planning and STI’s prevention through social marketing,.DKT international is one of the biggest distributer of many contraceptive products such as condom and pills, and to widely increase the use of condoms, pills and other birth control the DKT in the Philippines are using an innovative social marketing campaign. In the year 1991 they start a marketing campaign about TRUST condom which is the leading condom in the market. And in year 1997 they introduced the oral contraceptives pills and until now they are introducing different contraceptives products. Filipinos have the choice of availing and using contraceptives but there are many factors that hinder it. One factor is the fact that there are no direct advertisements about contraceptives. TV commercials about condoms are considered unethical here in the Philippines, so there is no proper information dissemination.

Lack of information about contraceptive products leads our country to continuously increasing population. Thus, in this study the researchers chose 5 barangays in Quezon City which have the largest population in the city as their respondents. According to PSA,Batasan Hills, Commonwealth, Holy Spirit, Payatas and Sauyohave the largest projected population in 2015. In Batasan Hills the projected number of residents as of 2015 is 176, 725, in Commonwealth there is 232, 033 residents, in Holy Spirit there is 107, 933, in Payatas there is 122, 368, and in Sauyo there is 117, 934 resident, all of this are according to PSA projected population of 2015. Because of these figures the researchers want to understand how these barangays led to this population and what causes their population on continuously increasing. Also researchers want to see how the residents of these barangays view contraceptive products.

This study entitled “The Implication on the use of Contraceptive products on the selected barangays in Quezon City” aims to know how a respondent uses contraceptives. This study also aims to know if the respondents after using contraceptives felt its effectivity or just the side effects. And about the side effects, this study also wants to know if these side effects are permanent or causing any damage to the users’ daily life. The results of this study will help consumers, distributors, our government and even the readers of this study, understand all   aspects of contraceptives. Also it can show the effects of contraceptives to their users, and the help they can give to the users.

















Theoretical Framework

Theory of Reasoned Action is developed by Martin Fishbein and IcekAjzen (1975, 1980), acquired from previous research it started out as the theory of attitude, that led to the study of attitude and behavior. The TRA is the indicator of the behavioral intention, extending indicator of attitude and behavior. According to Martin Fishbein and IcekAjzen (1975, 1980), it focuses on volitional behavior or those actions that a person chooses (on the basis of something) to enact or reject. A key concept in the theory is the behavioral intention which is the result of individual influences such as my or your feelings, attitudes, and our subjective norms. Take for instance, a person’s behavior regards to practicing safe sex, one may think it’s good for health reasons or to avoid unwanted pregnancies, and because he has been advised to do so by trusted people like physicians, parents, and alike.

  1. Attitudes: the beliefs of a person towards a particular subject.
  2. Subjective norms: the influence that a person derived through his environment such as on his peer groups and family.
  3. Behavioral intention: the function of attitude and subjective norm that’s been found to indicate the actual behavior.


The theory predicts that our action with flow from what we planned and intended. These behavioral intentions rest upon the strength of our health risk involved and our evaluation of those beliefs. The theory has been particularly predictive in issues involving health and safety. The theory basically says that we use our reasoning abilities to balance our individual beliefs and values with those of our surrounding culture when taking voluntary action.

The development of conceptual framework was derived from the behavioral intention model, often known as the theory of reasoned action (Fishbein 1975, Ajzen 1980). In this research the Theory of Reasoned Action was used to know what encourages consumers in using contraceptive products.

According to the theory, two components are expected to influence behavioral intention. These are Attitudes and Subjective Norm. In this framework replaced the words Health Beliefs and Social Influences consecutively. These factors will predict consumer’s behavior regarding the purchase of contraceptive products. If the consumers believe in the health benefits of contraceptives this can lead to their intention of purchasing and accepting it. Thus, once their beliefs are confirmed by other people, it can strengthen their intention of buying and using contraceptive products. The intentions of the consumers will lead to their actual behavior or their decision whether they will buy contraceptives or not.

Statement of the Problem


This study required to answer the following questions:

  1. What is the Demographic Profile of the respondents in terms of:
    • Age
    • Sex
    • Civil Status
    • Educational Attainment
    • Religion
    • Number of Family Member


  1. What are the reasons of the respondents in using contraceptive products?
  2. Where did the respondents find sources of information about contraceptive products?
  3. What are the Advantages of using Contraceptive Project s?
  4. What are the Disadvantages of using Contraceptive Project s?
  5. What is the Implication of Contraceptive Project s to the respondents?

Scope and Limitation of the Study

The researchersconducted a survey to the 300 respondents who are using contraceptive products. And the researchers focused on 5 selected barangays in Quezon City namely Commonwealth, Batasan Hills, Holy Spirit, Payatas and Sauyo. This study took two semesters of Academic Year 2015-2016.The researchers also Interviewed Key Informants and Focus Group Discussion (FGD) Participants for the secondary data including couples that bear child at early ages, couples with many child but not using contraceptive products and with many children but not using contraceptive products. This study took two semesters of Academic Year 2015-2016.


 Significance of the Study

          The Significance of this study to the Government is to give ideas on how the government can effectively spread the information regarding family planning. Government will also have knowledge about the doubts of many Filipinos in using contraceptive products and convincing ways on how to ease these doubts to help reduce population growth.


This study will give the Manufacturer new concepts for the developments of their products to satisfy the needs of consumers. It will also provide them information on what the consumers think regarding their products, thus they can find ways to assure consumers of the safety of their products.


This study will provide information to the respondents, consumers, and users about contraceptive products and increase awareness about the family planning.


To the University it may serve as reference for its future students. It will also serve as guide on the use of contraceptive products.


And to the Future Researchers, it will provide additional information regarding to their study. It may also serve as a reference to the other researcher.


Definition of Terms;


  Attitude – a settled way of thinking or feeling about someone or something, typically    one   that is reflected in a person’s behavior.

  Advantage – a condition or circumstance that puts one in a favorable or superior position.

  Awareness – it is an ability to perceive something.

  Barangay – is a small unit of a society or a community.

  Behavioral Intention – is the range of action made by individual.

  Condoms – is an example of contraceptive products to prevent and protect against infection.

  Contraception- is a methods to prevent pregnancy and prevent the fertilized from implanting in the uterus.

  Disadvantages- an unfavorable circumstance or condition that reduces the chances of success or effectiveness

  DOH – Department of Health is a branch of a Philippine Government Agencies who cares about health.

  DKT – one of the distributors of contraceptive product in the Philippines.

  Family Planning- Practicing Birth Spacing

  Knowledge – is a fact or information of an object.

  Perception- is an understanding of something using one of your senses.

  Pills-a small round mass of solid medicine to be swallowed whole.

  PSA– Philippines Statistical Authority is a branch of Philippine Government dealing the number of a population.

 Subjective Norms – the perceived social pressure to perform the intention.

 Quezon City – is a place in the National Capital Region.

 Religion – is an organized collection of beliefs.



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