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Author: Anita


Exploring the Potential of Plant-based Natural Dyes for Textile Industries. MSC

Abstract: This research project aims to explore the potential of plant-based natural dyes for textile industries. Natural dyes derived from plants have been used for centuries to color textiles, and they offer several advantages over…

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Investigating the Role of Mycorrhizal Fungi in Enhancing Nutrient Uptake in Plants. MSC

Abstract: This research project aims to investigate the role of mycorrhizal fungi in enhancing nutrient uptake in plants. Mycorrhizal associations between fungi and plant roots are known to play a crucial role in nutrient acquisition,…

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The Effects of Different Fertilizers on Plant Growth and Development. MSC

Abstract: This research project aims to investigate the effects of different fertilizers on plant growth and development. Fertilizers play a crucial role in providing essential nutrients to plants, promoting their growth, and enhancing their overall…

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Assessing the Impact of Different Crop Management Practices on Pollinator Populations and Crop Pollination. MSC

Abstract: This research project aims to assess the impact of different crop management practices on pollinator populations and crop pollination. Pollinators, such as bees, butterflies, and other insects, play a crucial role in the pollination…

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Investigating the Effects of Different Agroforestry Systems on Crop Productivity and Biodiversity Conservation. MSC

Abstract: This research project aims to investigate the effects of different agroforestry systems on crop productivity and biodiversity conservation. Agroforestry is an integrated land use system that combines trees or shrubs with agricultural crops or…

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Exploring the Potential of Cover Crops in Weed Suppression and Soil Erosion Control. MSC

Abstract: This research project aims to explore the potential of cover crops in weed suppression and soil erosion control. Cover crops are non-cash crops that are grown primarily to protect and improve the soil. They…

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Assessing the Impact of Different Cropping Systems on Carbon Sequestration and Greenhouse Gas Emissions. MSC

Abstract: This research project aims to assess the impact of different cropping systems on carbon sequestration and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Agriculture is a significant contributor to GHG emissions, primarily through the release of carbon…

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Investigating the Effects of Different Post-harvest Storage Techniques on Crop Quality and Shelf Life. MSC

Abstract: This research project aims to investigate the effects of different post-harvest storage techniques on crop quality and shelf life. Post-harvest storage plays a crucial role in maintaining the quality and extending the shelf life…

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Studying the Genetic Diversity and Breeding Potential of Crop wild Relatives for Crop Improvement. MSC

Abstract: This research project aims to study the genetic diversity and breeding potential of crop wild relatives (CWRs) for crop improvement. CWRs are wild plant species closely related to cultivated crops and possess valuable genetic…

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Assessing the Effects of Different Fertilizer Application Methods on Nutrient use Efficiency and Environmental Sustainability. MSC

Abstract: This research project aims to assess the effects of different fertilizer application methods on nutrient use efficiency and environmental sustainability. Fertilizer application plays a crucial role in modern agriculture to meet the nutritional demands…

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