Design and Implementation of Gas Agency Management System – Complete Project Material


Design and Implementation of Gas Agency Management System


Sr. No. Description Pg. No.
1 Introduction To Company 6
2 Introduction To System  9
3 Study Of The Current System 11
4 Existing System 12
5 Problem Identification 16
6 Requirement Analysis 17
7 Proposed OF The System 19
8 Feature Of Proposed System 21
9 Advantage Of System 26
10 Tool Description 28
11 Disadvantage Of System 35
12 Functional Decomposition Diagram (FDD) 37
13 Data Flow Diagram (DFD) 41
14 Data Dictionary (DD) 50
15 Data Elements 53
16 Table Design 56
17 Screens 61
18 User Manual 93


The system show us the work of the gas agency. It provide the connection of new gas refill. And it also exchange the full refill instead of empty refill. For that it have the customer all information. It can also provide different tools related to the gas department. Like regulators,

hotplate, lighters, tubes etc.

For that it have to provide some information. The existing system is work like that. It provide some information as a written data. It collect customer, stock, booking information. The information is very useful for the system to work on it. The customer information having such information like customer name, customer address, phone no or the other connect no and it also give one id as a customer id . By that the data can enter. In that we refer that customer have how many refill, when it issue, etc. The other information is a stock information in which we have the information of the stock related item. By that we can  know how many things we have?, How many given?, etc. The stock is also very important. The last information that we collect is the booking. In that we collect the information of the booking statements. That customer name, when it order for another refill, etc.

After that we have to made some reports. The reports are also main feature. In that reports we consider the all information and all that data. They are to important. In the report the balance is also consider. So the reports are generally main concept in which we include all the agency’s work.


The system can be study by two different kind of way. First one is feasibility study and the another is technical study.


To check whether the system once created  will  be feasible or not. A feasibility study is undertaken  to determine the possibility all probability Of either improving the existing system or developing a completely new system .


In technical feasibility , it is checked that if the work for the  project Can be done with present equipments,software and available personnel.


By the existing system, we can know the actual work of the ‘Bharat gas agency’ . The current work is not computerized system.

In the current work is very difficult, because each and every record is written into the record book add, deletion, change, etc. functions make it complex. In this we to also collect the customer information. In the customer record, when a customer comes for cylinder refills they have to first check their validity. Then they will book his refill in the register in the register, which is very time consuming. If one customer change her or his house so it is difficult to update or change his or her profile into register. The stock record is also have to maintain.  Daily stock record is also have to update regularly.

For the counting the cost it have to done some below things:

The category of the system is “organic “ for this a = 3.2 and b = 1.05 are constant.

The size of the system is 2.5 KDL(thousand of delivered line of code).

Initial cost estimation Ei = a  *   (size)b

= 3.2 * (2.5)1.05

= 8.375

EAF is effort adjustment factor.

Reliability is high à 1.15

Database size is normal à 1.00

Complexity is very low à 0.70

Programmer experience is very low à 1.29

Programmer capacity is normal à 1.00

Language experience is low à 1.07

Analyst capacity is normal à 1.00


EAF  = 1.15 * 1.00 * 0.70 * 1.29 * 1.00 * 1.07 * 1.00

= 1.11

Final cost E  = Ei  *  EAF

= 8.375 * 1.11

= 9.30 PM


The main problem with this current system are collection which is describe as below:
In the record book such operation like add, delete and update records are to difficult to perform. They records are have to change daily.
The second problem is generate the reports. The reports have to generate by it sequence but the existing system can not work properly. To determine the report we can also find many errors.
For finding the customer record we just have to find in the information record and it become to hard form find the history for the person.
In this system all work is distribute but it can not work properly and so easy for searching anything it just make to hard.
There is no security of the registers many things.
If one paper or some register is misplace then it create major problem. It is very time consuming.


Now the time is to change the computer is become not so costly. So for doing and performing the right system we have to reducing the current system and we have to make new system. As we have decided to develop a new system now it is a time to determine the new requirements for the new system . As the user is the most important part of any system it is required to find the users requirement to develop a user friendly system rather than having develop a developer friendly system.

The outputs required by the user that must be included into the proposed system are as follows.

First we require all date have the security.
Second the work for the particular user must be personalized.
Third one is the customer information must be entered on such a way that it is easier for
user to understand.
Fourth is daily reports and monthly reports are printed.
Fifth one is bills are printed as in required order.
The user must be provided ease if he wants to switch from one application to other at a time.


The new system of gas agency is make for creating some more facility and remove the current systems problem. So after understand the problems of the existing system, we are just make the new system for make the work easy and done properly.

So, the actually work, when a customer request for a gas refills, first check for his validations and prepare bills and handle those bills to particular deliveryman for delivery.

For done all the work properly, this system maintains customer all type of records, that do not require more time and we do not have search for such find of documents.
The another register like stock in this stock the other items are also include are systematically maintain.
The all documents and the all difference reports are prepare perfect.
The calculation of the balance sheet is do not require more time and it is also very perfect in it no such kind of mistake can take place.
There are security and some password facility for opening the system’s work.


The addition , deletion , updation of records, generating reports are the basic part or you can also call the objective of this system. In detail below we explain it :
Firstly, the basic operation like addition, deletion, updating and the other can be done easily by the new system. It have such easy key and some more facility which can work and operate quickly and save easily.

If we want to check some history of customer or anything else we check easy and also update it. So, the work is such a accurate.

The third one is it do not require so many people to woke it. It do not need such other documents. Only one person can also handle it but some people to help for sale it, transfer it, And do the other helpful work.

Fourth one is that it have the facility of the password that help for the security. That can save the document. It make the high security.

For making the daily transactions it can easy for work and helpful. Any one can handle it easily. So for the daily transactions are easily handled.

By that the transaction are made to easy. And it can be done fast. And by the use of the options it is to helpful. The work is distribute for do it  easily and understand the parts. By the distribution it can done properly and so easily.

It can also generate different kinds of reports that works more efficiency. And it reduce the redundancy.

It have very easy programming language to make for it. After made it become easier. For The making new software we have 2 kind of tools. First one is front –end tool and that another is back-end tool.

For making this software we use the oracle8 as a fornt-end tool. There are such many kind of front end but we select oracle8 for the reason as below :

First one It eliminates all parent-child relationships and instead represented all data in the database as simple row/column tables of data values. It is also flexibility in data modeling. It is easy for accessing data. In this each table is an independent entity and there is no physical relationship between tables. It can reduce data storage and redundancy. It is independent of physical storage and logical data design. It has wide level data manipulation language (SQL).
Deferred writing at commits to improve transaction performance. It have security and control. It has a rollback command for recreating the database to its most recent safe point. Grant and revoke limits access to information down to row and column level. Views are valuable features for limiting access to the primary tackles in the database. Professional ORACLE starts the DBMS (Database Management System) in the extended memory, so more main memory is available for other applications. Relational model of data management is based on set theory. Built-in query language is designed in the RDBMS, so that it can manipulate sets of data (one or more topples).

And the another known as a back-end tool is a visual-basic. In this we can do coding making the form and the reports. It having the below facility :

Visual Basic provides complete set of tools to simplify rapid application Development. It provides a vital link to graphical environment and allows you to develop applications based on standard windows features: Dialog boxes, Command buttons, Pull down menus, Scroll Bars, Selection lists etc. It also allows creating robust applications that fully make use of the graphical user interface. ActiveX Data Objects (ADO) and OLE DB replace the Open database connectivity (ODBC) API as the preferred method for accessing shared file and client/server databases. Extensions to Visual Basic class modules assist in writing middle-tier DLLs for Microsoft transaction server 2.0. A multitude of wizards and other graphical tools aid developers new to Visual Basic.Visual Basic is an event driven programming language.It have sequential and random access file support.Lots of icons and pictures for your use.Full array of mathematical, string handling, and graphic functions. Sequential and random access file support. It is a Visual data tools (VDTS). In it SQL editor. It have Component creation. I t have the Language.

It have the Packaging and Deployment wizard. It also have the Data object wizard.

Now let’s talk about the hardware we require :
We require a Printer for giving the receipts or reports.Microsoft window 95 or later microsoft window NT workstation 4.0 to work on it. it require 64 MB RAM for windows 98 workstation. A mouse or other suitable pointing device and keyboard


The system have Manual work has to be reduced and Result to be received quickly.

To speed up the operation and Decrease manpower, high cost.
Increase security, speed, storing and accuracy.
Y The customers have to face only one person at the counter for booking
Cylinder.Managing and maintaining data becomes easier and cost effective due to very high amount and reliability of storage space available in the proposed system.
The system has been developed under Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 as a Front-End tool and Oracle 8.0 as a Back-End tool. It can maintaining customer information. It can also Maintaining stock information.It maintaining cylinder refills information.It can delivery of refills information.It can preparation of reports.


  • Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 [Front-End] :

To develop any system along with the back-end tools which provide access to the database and also solves the database queries like oracle, to make a system interactive with the user the use of front-end tools comes into the picture. The front-end tools make the user interface with the system easier and also provide a user-friendly environment to the system.

This rich language enables you to develop many different types of applications. You can create you can create programs that intersect with the hardware.

It is a programming language used to create window base application. Visual Basic is an old BASIC (Beginner’s All-purpose Symbolic instruction code) language. It makes it very easy to get the user interface portion of your application up and running.

Hundreds of functions and latest technological advances have been added to the language to make it an industrial – strength development environment suitable for almost my type of windows application. This is especially true with the advent of internet programming and object oriented programming.

Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 is one of the front-end tool provided by Microsoft Inc. Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 provides a fast way to develop applications for Microsoft Windows. As a front-end tool Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 provides the G.U.I interface to the user and it is supposed to be one of the beast front-end tools used today.


Oracle is a RDBMS.

RDBMS Means  Relational  Database Management System.

A RDBMS  in general acts as a transparent interface between physical storage  and logical presentation of data. It  provides set of flexible and sophisticated tools for handling information and offer benefits such as:

It offers following benefits:

Ø  It eliminates all parent-child relationships and instead represented all data in the database as simple row/column tables of data values.

Ø  Flexibility in data modeling.

Ø  Easy for accessing data.

Ø  Each table is an independent entity and there is no physical relationship between tables.

Ø  Reduce data storage and redundancy.

Ø  Independent of physical storage and logical data design.

Ø  It has wide level data manipulation language (SQL).

Ø  Deferred writing at commits to improve transaction performance.

Ø  Security and control.

Ø  It has a rollback command for recreating the database to its most recent safe point. Grant and revoke limits access to information down to row and column level. Views are valuable features for limiting access to the primary tackles in the database.

Ø  Professional ORACLE starts the DBMS (Database Management System) in the extended memory, so more main memory is available for other applications.

Ø  Relational model of data management is based on set theory. Built-in query language is designed in the RDBMS, so that it can manipulate sets of data (one or more tuples).


It don’t have such kind of disadvantage but still compare to old manual system relay work so well. Still it does not include the worker’s information .

The other is that you can issue at a time only two cylinder  either domestic or commercial.

There are such as only two disadvantage of the system. No other disadvantage take place.

Functional Decomposition Diagram

The functional decomposition diagram of the sales and purchase of  agency system is drawn below. The functional decomposition diagram shows us the various processes and sub processes which that can occurs during the sales transactions and purchase made in the system.

There are three basic processes in the GAS AGENCY SYSTEM and it also have some sub processes. All the processes can be clearly understood by viewing the functional decomposition diagram.

The first process PURCHASE ORDER by different supplier of the given information for low stock of bottles or refilling bottles. During this process whenever a customer comes to the GAS AGENCY and asks for bottles the owner provides him information about the require bottle. If there is not available bottles manager will purchase the bottles from company to order them in request. Which contains bottles details and total amount called payment or invoice/bill of the purchased bottles.

The second process deals with the SELLING BOTTLES. When the customer comes at JAGAT GAS AGENCY for refilling bottles at that time the bottles are all ready present at go-down, so bill this bottles and also prepare bill for them and printing them for one type of record of selling the bottles and this bottles entry are subtract from the bottle information database. If there is a new customer at the agency for taking a connection then requirements for getting a connection are checked by the manager then customer had to pay the charges of bottles, LPG Gas, pipe, regulator, inspection charges for stove are taken then the kit will be given to the customer.

The third process occurs when purchasing the bottles or low stock of full bottles from company or selling bottles from agency is maintain them in order for easy .


The data dictionary of any system is an integral component of structure analysis, since data flow diagrams by themselves do not fully describe the subject under investigation about the system.

A data dictionary is a catalog – a repository – of the elements in the system. These elements center on data and the way they are structured to meet user requirements and Money Exchange System needs.  This step of creating a data dictionary is simultaneous with the process of making data flow diagram(s). Here all the data fields in their respective tables are allotted so as to access these data in the system. The data tables are created in a back-end tool like Microsoft Access, Oracle, FoxPro, etc…. Here in the Money Exchange System we are using tables created in Microsoft Access 2000 as it is the back-end tool used in the system.

The data dictionary consists of different major elements like Data Elements, Data Store [Tables Used], Data Flow, Processes and other External entities used in the system. The data dictionary stores details and description of these elements.

It is developed during data flow analysis and assists the analysts involved in determining the system requirements. Analysts use data dictionary for the following important reasons:

Ø  To manage the details in large system.

Ø  To communicate a common meaning for all system elements.

Ø  To document the features of the system.

Ø  To facilitate analysis of the details in order to evaluate the characteristics and determine where system changes should be made.

Ø  To locate errors and omissions in the system.

The data dictionary contains different types of descriptions for the data flowing through the system:

Data Elements is the most fundamental level which is also considered as the building block for all other data in the system. It refers to all the different data used like fields, data item, etc. to make the system fully functional irrespective to the table used in the system. Here all the different type of fields used to make table are written sequentially without referring to the tables. This process helps in the process of Normalization of tables.

Next to Data Elements comes the Data storage which provides the information of where and how each data element is stored in which table and it also give information of any constraints if there. This step also gives knowledge of different data types used for different field and their size. All the normalized tables are showed in data storage.

Data Flow stage shows the flow of data in the system. This step is can be already seen in the data flow diagrams above in this document. This step refers to all the data flow paths were transactions are done in the computerized system.

The data flow step also includes different processes used in the system and it is followed by External Entities used in the system.


The data elements have the fields which are use in the table. It gives the full form to understand the table fields.

  • Sub_no                   :  S_no is a subscription no which was given by us.
  • Pb_no                     :  This is a passbook no entry elements
  • date_of_issue         :  This element use for when you issue the cylinder this date entry.
  • cust_no                   :   The no of customer which was given by us
  • cust_name              :   The name of customer
  • cust_add                 :   The residential address of customer
  • cust_city               :   The city of customer
  • cust_phone             :   The phone number of the customer
  • cust_type              :    The type of the customer that the person is male or female.
  • rationcard_no          :   The no of rationcard of the customer
  • product                   :   The fields use for which product is require
  • nc_charge             :   This entry use for the new connection charge
  • roundup                 :   This will help for put the round up value
  • total                         :   This entry work to total amount bill
  • depo_cy                 :   It is a fields of the deposit  of  cylinder
  • depre                       :   Depriciation
  • hotplate_charge      :    The charge with the hotplate
  • with_outhotplate      :   The charge with out hotplate
  • instolation             :   The charge with the instolation
  • stamp_charge          :   The charge with the stamp
  • lighter_charge          :   The charge  of lighter
  • tube_charge             :   The charge of the tube
  • Admini                       :   Administator
  • lpg_charge          :   The charge of the lpg
  • bill_no                    :   The number of the bill
  • date                        :   Date
  • total_quantity         :   The total quantity of the stock
  • total_amount          :  The total amount of the stock
  • date_stock             :   The date of stock delivered
  • opening _stock      :   The number of opening stock
  • Recipt_company    :   The receipt of the oil company
  • Total_bottle            :  The total bottle in the stock
  • refill_of_preday      :   The refill of the preday
  • new_connection     :   The connection charge of the new connection
  • total_del                  :  The Total delivery of bottle
  • Empty_bottle          :   The total bottle of empty
  • sent_company       :   The of bottle that sent to the company
  • Total_empty                     :   The total bottle of empty
  • closing_stock          :  The total stock of closing



The files used for this project are:

(1)   Customer_ detail

(2)   Product_deatil

(3)   Bookingofcylinder

(4)   User

(5)   Stock_detail

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