


1.1 Background of the Study                                                                                               

A drug refers to a substance that could bring about a change in the biological function through its chemical actions (Okoye,  2001).  It  is  also  considered  as  a  substance  that  modifies  perceptions, cognition,  mood,  behaviour  and  general  body  functions (Balogun,  2006).  This  could  thus  be considered  as chemical modifiers of the living tissues that could bring  about psychological  and behavioural changes (Nnachi, 2007). Drug  abuse  is a major  public  health  problem  all  over  the  world  (UNODC,  2005).  The  use  and abuse of drugs by adolescents have become one of the most disturbing health related phenomena in  Nigeria  and other parts  of  the  world  (NDLEA,  1997).  Several  studentsexperience mental health problem, either temporarily or for a long period of time. Some become insane, maladjusted to school situations and eventually drop out of school. NAFDAC, (2004) as cited  byHaladu  (2003)  explained  the  term  drug  abuse  as  excessive  and  persistent  self-administration of a drug without regard to the medically or culturally accepted patterns. It could also  be  viewed  as  the  use  of  a  drug to  the  extent  that  it  interferes  with  the  health  and  social function  of  an  individual.

It has become unprecedented problem in Nigeria that the number of youth incarcerated in various prisons across the country has increase dramatically over the last few decades. As a matter of fact, majority of these youths have been arrested for drug offences, and/or have a drug abuse problem. Some of the factors contributing to this arrest are the public awareness of the danger in drug abuse and the “war on Drugs” declared by the Federal Government using various agencies like the Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA), National Agency for Food and Drug Administration (NAFDAC) etc. However, in 1999 National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA) was set-up; frantic efforts are being made to collect relevant information on drugs through variety of drug indicators for policy formulation. The impact of these agencies in terms of intervention strategies and control is tremendous.                                                           

The world today is witnessing an upsurge of issues that are of global dimension, for example the influences of drug abuse, human trafficking, HIV/AIDS, environment degradation and pollution etc. The problems including drug abuse heralded an unending desire in our nation to sensitize her citizens especially the youths of the evil of drug use and abuse which has reach alarming stage. As a matter of fact the social effects of abuse of alcohol which include road accidents, loss of jobs, poor academic and job performances, instability family set up etc. are sources of concern to the government. According to Muoboghare (1998) coaches and athletes should be educated on the deceptive and negative effects of alcohol. He emphasized that this is necessary since alcohol is hyperagglesic, that is it raises the pain threshold, the individual is likely to continue to performance even with injury. This is morally unjust on the part of a coach. Criminals are noted to take alcohol in access that even when they receive gun shot, may still put on a very high performance and escape with the injury without being caught.

The influence of drug abuse could have an adverse effect on students academic performance, hence this study is set to bring to fore the drug use and abuse among undergraduate students using OlabisiOnabanjo university as a case study.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

Drug  use and abuse is  injurious  to  both  individuals  and  the  society,  killing our youths and future leaders. Today, there are estimated 90 million drug users around the world and no country alone can stem the drug trade within its borders. No country is immune and no person really is (Awake, July 8, 2001). Some people are involved in the use of drugs abuse because they want to reduce regular pressures around them. It symbolizes a  protest  against  set  rules,  and  to  explore  basic  to  self (Omage,  2005).  The arrest by  police, NDLEA and the news reports revealed that drug use and abuse is on the increase.

Drug abuse is a common phenomenon which has attracted global attention. Government and non- governmental organizations have played vital roles in the elimination of this menace because of the psychological and social problems which make the students to exhibit strange and unguided behaviours. Despite  the  effect  of  many  concerned  bodies  to  curb  this  menace,  many  firms  and  individuals still present these drugs as though they are harmless. They give them slogan such as “for greatness”, “for taste” etc which often lure irrational youths into drugs and alcoholism and long term  effects  of  the  abuse  of  drug  on  themselves,  their  families  and  the  society  at  large.

Hence, this study will base its findings on drug use and abuse among students tertiary institution using OlabisiOnabanjo as a case study.

1.3 Objectives of the Study The main objective of this study is to find out the extent to which the students (both males and females) use and abuse drug in the OlabisiOnabanjo University.

  • To determine which drugs are commonly used and abused by the students in OlabisiOnabanjo universities
  • To determine which gender abuses drugs more;
  • To determine the reasons for drug abuse among OlabisiOnabanjo university students.
  • To determine some of the negative effect on students caused by the abuse of drugs.
  • To ascertain the health consequences of drug abuse among students.

1.4Research Question

  1. Which drugs are commonly used and abused by the students in OlabisiOnabanjo university?
  2. Is there a significant difference in drug abuse among male and female students?
  3. What are the perceived reasons for drug abuse among OlabisiOnabanjo university students?
  4. What are the negative effect on students caused by the abuse of drugs?
  5. What is the health consequences of drug abuse among students?

1.5 Significance of the Study

This study is expected to have an effect on OlabisiOnabanjo University students, homes, and the general public. The outcome of this study is to supplement the existing store of knowledge on the subject of drug use and abuse and it adverse effect and also serves as a channel for further research on innovative ways of help people suffering from this problems.

The result of this study may be of immense benefits to the public and private individuals, government, parents, religious leaders, school counselors, students, teachers, school management and researchers.

The findings of the study may be of great help to the public and private individual as it will expose the ugly and negative effect of drug use and abuse on the general public and students in particular which will serves as a caution to couples to avoid abuse of drug by all means.

The findings of the study will be useful to the community, institutions of higher learning and the Nigerian Government. The study will reveal the influence of major drugs on students’ academic  performance  and  in  their  behaviour  aspects. There  are  many parents  and  lecturers with  questions  as  to  why  their  students don’t perform  as  expected,  the  government  is  also looking for explanations as to why the  youth are not innovative and as to why most of them drop out of school.

Failure to solve this problem not only  threatens  the  life  of  individuals,  but  also  the  economic  and  social  development  of  the country  as  a  whole.  The  current  study  is  useful  in  contributing  to  the  general  body  of knowledge in this area. Beyond that, however, it also explores the potential of universities as well as other schools to curb the drug problem.

1.6 Scope of the Study

The study will be delimited to undergraduates of OlabisiOnabanjo University Ago-Iwoye, Ogun State, while the sample for the study will be restricted to Faculty of Social and Management Sciences students of  OlabisiOnabanjo University Ago-Iwoye, Ogun State. The study is delimited to carry out an examination ondrug use and abuse among students in tertiary institutions.

1.7 Operational Definition of Terms

Drug – Any product other than food or water that affects the way people feel, think, see, and behave. It is a substance that due to its chemical nature affects physical, mental and emotional functioning.

Drug abuse: Refers to a situation in which a drug or chemical substance meant for a medical cure or other purpose is taken outside its purpose, or  in excess, for personal enjoyment or for avoidance, without  medical reason or guidance.

Prevalence of Drug substance use: refers to the proportion of a population found to have used a Drug substance or drugs.

Undergraduates: are students of universities and colleges who have not yet received a first degree.

Influence: Refers to the capacity to have an effect on the character, development, or behaviour of someone or something, or the effect itself.


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