


1.1 Background to the Study

Academic performance and attainment is an important parameter in measuring success in students. Observations and reports have shown that success or high academic achievement has become a herculean task to accomplish by students in recent times. The performance of students at all levels in educational institutions in Nigeria has attracted much criticisms from all and sundry from time immemorial. Poor academic performance were recorded both at the secondary and tertiary levels of education in Nigeria (Tenibiaje, 2009). The decline in the academic performance of students in Nigerian universities had been described as very poor.

Soyinka (1999) noted that the university system in Nigeria needed restructuring; because the academic standard had fallen drastically and the quality of graduates being produced by the nation’s universities is questionable and subject to re-examination. Poor academic performance of students has been of great concern to educationists, and guidance counsellors in particular. Despite all guidance programmes and counselling strategies mounted in schools to improve students’ academic performances, yet poor performances are recorded yearly (Soyinka 1999).

The library is meant to bring information services to the door steps of its users. It is therefore expected that it would enjoy high patronage, especially if it is well equipped and adequately staffed. In an academic community, students, lecturers and researchers will always be encouraged to frequently visit the library to satisfy their information needs. The adequacy of information resources will normally prompt a reaction to its use, which will stimulate progress and development in the overall system. For effective learning, teaching and research in the university, the library information resources should be relevant, current and in a variety of formats such as print, non-print and electronic. Inadequacy and or unavailability of information resources, according to Oluwatoyin (2003), however, affect the academic performance negatively.

From the foregoing, it is glaring that availability of information resources can influence the use of a library, which will enhance good academic performance. It is, however, possible that materials available may sometimes be inaccessible. The impact of a library in essence can be significantly felt by users if only the materials are accessible to them. Availability of library resources does not necessarily guarantee their accessibility and use. Aguolu and Aguolu (2002) posit that books may be available in the library but at the same time inaccessible to users. The predicament of accessing needed information resources can lead to users’ frustration.

As a result of the importance of the library in the university, the National Universities Commission (2008) allotted 12% as score to be awarded during accreditation visit to Nigerian universities. Though, the 12% allotted to library may not be substantial, but the fact that it is given recognition during the accreditation exercise is instructive. However, the findings of Ogunrombi (2003) revealed the deplorable state of Nigerian university libraries, a situation that can be addressed by a periodic accreditation by the National Universities Commission. Most universities failed accreditation because of inadequacy of their libraries. In addition, a number of programmes in some Nigerian universities are known to have failed in the 2007 accreditation exercise especially because of the inadequacy of their libraries NUC (2008).

From the foregoing, it is evident that the importance of sustainability and use of libraries in Nigerian universities cannot be over emphasized. In view of the fact that the established departmental/faculty libraries need to be sustained, availability and adequacy of funds are very essential for appropriate provision of human and material resources for effective use of libraries. It is however not certain whether or not the financial support to departmental libraries had any relationship with the resources provided in terms of their sustainability and use. Libraries in institutions of higher learning are central to the attainment of the goals of their parent institutions. The effectiveness of any library depends to a great extent on the quality and quantity of the information resources at its disposal. In fact, effective library services cannot be carried out nor sustained without sufficient funds. Like any other library, a departmental library in a Nigerian university requires adequate funding for the provision of information, human and physical resources. The resources, if adequately provided can also facilitate the sustainability and use of the libraries by undergraduate students. Previous research has confirmed the high unavailability of library and information resources in most Nigerian university libraries, which had a negative effect on the use of information resources in the libraries by students, which has led to poor academic and examination performance. The librarians cannot conduct quality research and get published, and library students cannot even use library services.

The use of library resource has played a critical role in student learning by usefulness of the information, better writer and reader (Bledidt, 2011). Reading of literature as a vital component of student learning enriches their understanding of theories and issues. School libraries promote higher reading achievement through access to books and free reading. (Krashen, 1995). The concern of this study is to establish the impact of utilization of library resources on the academic performance of undergraduates of Delta state university, Abraka.

1.2 Statement of the problem

The effectiveness of any library depends to a great extent on the quality and quantity of the resources at its disposal. In fact, effective library services cannot be carried out nor sustained without sufficient information resources. Library in a Nigerian university requires adequate funding for the provision of information, human and physical resources. The resources, if adequately provided can also facilitate the academic performance of undergraduates.

Most university students do not rely on their library because of the lack of library resources. They are likely to look elsewhere to satisfy their information needs in order to facilitate their academic performance. In the light of the foregoing, the study is aimed at investigating the impact of utilization of library resources on the academic performance of undergraduates of Delta state university, Abraka.

1.3 Research Questions

To achieve the objectives of the study, the following research questions were raised:

  1. What information resources are available for users in the Delta State University library?
  2. What is the level of use of the library resources by undergraduates?
  3. What purpose do undergraduates use library resources?
  4. How has undergraduates’ use of library resource enhanced their academic performance?
  5. What challenges do undergraduates face in using library resources to enhance academic performances?

1.4  Purpose of the study

The purpose of the study is to investigate the impact of utilization of library resources on academic performance of undergraduates in Delta state university, Abraka. The specific objectives are to:

  1. Examine the availability of information resources in the Delta State University library, Abraka
  2. Ascertain the level of use of library resources by undergraduates.
  3. Find out the purpose undergraduates use the information resources in the library.
  4. Investigate to determine how undergraduates’ use of library resources can enhance their academic performance.
  5. Know the challenges faced by undergraduates in using library resources.

1.5  Significance of the study

Library literature shows that not much has been done in respect of the impact of utilization of library resources on the academic performance of undergraduate students in Delta State University, Abraka. The study is, therefore, expected to be significant in the following ways:

The study is expected indicate the list of material that are available to undergraduate student and to encourage them to use the library frequently. The findings of the study will afford the National Universities Commission the opportunity to know the actual availability of library resources in Delta State University. It is expected to provide empirical evidence on impact of utilization of library resources on the academic performance of undergraduate students in Delta State University in relation to resources provision, sustainability and use. The study is expected to encourage the university administrators in Nigeria, including heads of department to improve on resource provision for the sustainability of libraries in Nigerian universities.

1.6  Scope and Delimitation of the study

This study covers the impact of utilization of library resource on the academic performance of undergraduates in Delta State University Abraka. The study will be limited to the main library in site II and medical library in site III of Delta State University, Abraka. The respondents will be registered students of the library. However this study will cover only 2014/2015 academic session because of time.

1.7  Operational definition of terms

The following recurrent terms in the study are hereby operationally defined:

Library: Libraries or information resource centres established to support academic activities and for the use of departments or faculties in the universities.

Undergraduates: a student in a university or college who has not received a first, especially a bachelor’s degree.

Utilization: This refers to the state of having been made use of or the act of using.

Library Resources: this is defined as any organised collection of printed books and periodicals or any other graphics and audio-visual materials and the services of the staff to provide and facilitate such materials as are required to meet the information, research, education or recreational needs of its users.

Academic Performance: This can be defined as the outcome of education; the extent to which a student has achieved his/her educational goals.


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