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Tag: project topics in microbiology department

Relationship Between Weight And Blood Pressure Of Patients With High Blood Pressure – Complete project material

[ad_1] CHAPTER ONE 1.0    Introduction 1.1     Background of the Study The number of people with high blood pressure is in the increase and research has shown that this condition is heightened by overweight of the patient. That…

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Antimicrobial Properties Of Chlorine And Alcohol Disinfectants – Complete project material

[ad_1] Antimicrobial Properties Of Chlorine And Alcohol Disinfectants CHAPTER 1-5 DELIVERY WITHIN 5 WORKING DAYS GET THE COMPLETE PROJECT» Do you need help? Talk to us right now: (+234) 8111770269, 08111770269 (Call/WhatsApp). Email: [email protected] IF…

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The Microbial Evaluation Of Ram Milk From A Diary Farm – Complete project material

[ad_1] ABSTRACT Microbial evaluation of twenty samples of raw milk from a diary farm (Emene fulani cattle rearers) was carried out using five method: viz direct microcopies count nutrient agar count, Blood agar count, Mac…

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Microbial Contamination Of Yoghurt – Complete project material

[ad_1] CHAPTER ONE 1.0   INTRODUCTION Yoghurt is a fermented dairy product obtained from the lactic acid fermentation of milk. It is one of the most popular fermented milk products in the world and produced commercially at…

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Maize Adjunct In The Sorghum Beer Brewing – Complete project material

[ad_1] ABSTRACT This research work was on maize (Zea may) abject in sorghum vulgare) beer brewing the sorghum was malted and milled. Malting was achieved by sleeping the grains in water at 280c for 48…

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Isolation And Sensitivity Of Bacteria Isolate From Vaginal Discharge To Antibiotics – Complete project material

[ad_1] CHAPTER ONE 1.1 INTRODUCTION 1.2 Background of the Study Antimicrobial resistance is a global concern, particularly pressing in developing nations where infectious diseases, poverty and malnutrition are endemic. Infections caused by resistant bacteria have…

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Prevalence Of Multidrug Resistant Livestock Associated Staphylococcus Aureus Isolated From Nasal Passage Of Healthy Cattle – Complete project material

[ad_1] CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background to the Study Cattle are large bodied ruminants that feed on pastures and forages or fodder. In Nigeria, cattle are reared primarily for meat which is a veritable source…

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Isolation Of Micro-Organisms From Stored Pap – Complete project material

[ad_1] CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1     BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY Cereals have been known to man from the earliest times porridge prepared from cereals are  eaten in different parts o the world, especially in developing countries where they…

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Isolation And Characterization Of Fungi Associated With “Spoiled” Tomatoes – Complete project material

[ad_1] ABSTRACT The study examined the various fungal pathogens associated with tomatoes spoilage as well as their preliminary taxonomic grouping up to genus level. 25 samples of the spoiled tomatoes were collected from five locations…

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Determination Of The Mass Transfer Characteristic Of Thermal Drying And Osmotic Dehydration Of Pumpkin And Bitter Leaf – Complete project material

[ad_1] ABSTRACT The experiment was carried out  and three osmotic solutions were prepared, “hypertonic solution 60% concentrated, hypotonic solution 40% concentrated and isotonic solution 50% concentrated” and oven drying was also carried in the course of…

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