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Tag: project topics in microbiology department

Microbiological Evaluation Of Selected Creams – Complete project material

[ad_1] ABSTRACT Cosmetic(creams) need not be sterile,however they must not be unduly contaminated with micro-organism and should remain in a stable state throughout the shelf life of the product (or when be used by the…

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Determine The Prevalence Of Gastrointestinal Helminth Among Slaughtered Cattle – Complete project material

[ad_1] CHARPTER ONE INTRODUCTION Ruminants such as cattle, goat and sheep represent an important source of animal protein in many countries of the world, supplying a good percentage of the daily meat and dairy products…

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Intestinal Schistosomiasis And Its Possible Prevention And Control – Complete project material

[ad_1] CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION DESCRIPTION OF SCHISTOMIASIS Schistosomiasis, also known as bilharzia, snail fever, and Katayama fever, is a disease caused by parasiticflatworms of the Schistosomatype. The urinary tract or the intestines may be infected. Signs and symptoms may include abdominal pain, diarrhea,(Akpinar, 2012). Bloody stool, or blood…

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Evaluation Of Elephant Grass (Pennisetum Purpureum) As Substrate For Bioethanol Production Using Co-Cultures Of Aspergillus Niger And Saccharomyces Cerevisiae – Complete project material

[ad_1] ABSTRACT Elephant grass (Pennisetum purpureum) was evaluated for its ethanol production potential using co-cultures of Aspergillus niger and Saccharomyces cerevisiaeisolated from local sources. Proximate and lignocellulose analysis carried out on the plant sample showed that it had…

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Synergistic Effect Of Bacteriocin-Like Inhibitory Substances Produced By Vaginal Lactobacillus Against Group B Streptococci – Complete project material

[ad_1] ABSTRACT The vaginal normal flora of a healthy woman is dominated by species of Lactobacillus. The balance between the vaginal flora is maintained by the protective antagonizing compounds produced by Lactobacillus. Group B Streptococci (GBS) is an opportunistic organism usually…

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Studies On The Occurrence Of Beta-Lactamases In Members Of The Genera Salmonella And Shigella Isolated From Various Hospitals – Complete project material

[ad_1] ABSTRACT Salmonella and Shigella species isolated from human faecal samples were examined forBeta-lactamase production and resistance to some antibiotic agents. Age distribution of sources of resistant isolates showed thatShigella isolates from Youths (18 – 30 years) were more…

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Studies On The Co-Infectivity Of Hiv And Atypical Mycobacteria – Complete project material

[ad_1] ABSTRACT The increasing global incidence of tuberculosis and nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) has been attributed to immunosuppresion due to the Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) epidemic.  The paucity of information on the contribution of NTM to mycobacterial…

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Multidrug Resistance Profiles Of Clinical And Environmental Isolates Of Pseudomonas Aeruginosa And Escherichia Coli – Complete project material

[ad_1] Abstract The emergence of multiple antibiotic resistance in bacteria and the indiscriminate use of antibiotics contribute to the dissemination of resistant pathogens in the environment which may cause problems in therapy and is a…

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Identification And Evaluation Of Immuno-Modulatory Properties Of Prebiotics Extracted From Vernonia Amygdalin – Complete project material

[ad_1] ABSTRACT Prebiotics are non-digestible food substances that when consumed provide a beneficial physiological effect on the host, by selectively stimulating the favourable growth or activity of a limited number of indigenous bacteria. Most known…

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Growth Responses To Environmental Stress Factors By Osmophilic Yeasts Isolated From Honey – Complete project material

[ad_1] ABSTRACT Yeasts are continuously exposed to series of changes within their natural habitat in the environment. Their growth and proliferation are readily affected by certain factors in their environment. This study was designed to…

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