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Tag: project topics on bacteria

Effect Of Different Carbon Sources On The Growth Of Antimicrobial Producing (Bacillus Species In Citrillus Vugaris) – Complete project material

[ad_1] ABSTRACT Effect of different carbon sources on the growth of antimicrobial producing Bacillus species in ogiri-egusi sold in Ogbeta, Orie, Artisian, Kenyatta, Enugu State were evaluated using standard microbiological and analytical methods. 12 bacteria…

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Comparative Analysis Of Pipeborne Water And Other Sources Of Water For Human Consumption (Independence Layout Locality) – Complete project material

[ad_1] ABSTRACT Comparative examination of three main sources of water supply in Independence layout Enugu was carried out with a view to determine their levels of contamination of bacteria. The sources of water examined are…

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Prevalence And Antimicrobial Susceptibility Of Gram Negative Bacteria In The Urine Of University Students – Complete project material

[ad_1] ABSTRACT In order to access the prevalence and sensitivity pattern of urinary pathogens, 60 midstream urine samples from students of Caritas University were investigated using cultural methods. Samples were examined microscopically and cultured in…

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Statistical Model Of Effects Of Weight On Patients With High Blood Pressure – Complete project material

[ad_1] CHAPTER ONE 1.0  INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the Study           The number of people with high blood pressure is in the increase and research has shown that this condition is hightened by overweight of the patient.…

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Isolation Of Micrococcus From Fermented UGBA – Complete project material

[ad_1] ISOLATION OF  MICROCOCCUS FROM FERMENTED UGBA TABLE OF CONTENT Title page Certification Dedication Acknowledgement Table of content CHAPTER ONE 1.0    Introduction 1.1    Aims and objectives CHAPTER TWO Literature review 2.1    Fermented foods 2.2    Pentaclethra…

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Investigating The Level Of Microbial Contamination Of Yoghurts Sold – Complete project material

[ad_1] CHAPTER ONE 1.0   INTRODUCTION         Yoghurt is a cultural diary product produced by lactic fermentation of milk (Hui, 1992). Yoghurt is produced by the controlled fermentation of milk by two species of bacteria; Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Strptococcus thermophilus.         These two species of…

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Determining The Major Aetiologic Agent Of Urethritis – Complete project material

[ad_1] CHAPTER ONE 1.0   INTRODUCTION Chlamydiae are small gram-negative obligate intracellular microorganisms that preferentially infect squamocolumnar epithelial cell (www. Google. Com.2010).         Chlamydia is the most prevalent sexually transmitted disease resulting in urethritis, with frequencies exceeding those…

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Determining The Culture Condition For Maximum Lipase Production By Isolated Micrococcus From Ugba – Complete project material

[ad_1] CHAPTER ONE 1.0   INTRODUCTION         Ugba also called ukpaka is a popular food delicacy in Nigeria especially among Ibo ethnic group. It is rich in protein and is obtained by a solid state fermentation of the…

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Comparative Study Of Disinfectant Efficiency Of Ethanol, Bleach And Phenolics Against Pseudomonas Aeruginosa And Staphylococcus Aureus – Complete project material

[ad_1] ABSTRACT Ethanol, Bleach and Phenolics are three kinds of disinfectants which have been widely used in common laboratories.  In this study, a compared experiment on these three disinfectants efficiency was conducted against Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas…

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Evaluating The In-Vivo Effects Of Methanolic Extract Of A. Boonei On Liver Enzyme Function In Alloxan Induced Diabetes Mellitus. – Complete project material

[ad_1] EVALUATING THE IN-VIVO EFFECTS OF METHANOLIC EXTRACT OF A. BOONEI ON LIVER ENZYME FUNCTION IN ALLOXAN INDUCED DIABETES MELLITUS. INTRODUCTION 1.1Background of Study The present decade has witnessed a great and intense resurgence in the interest and use of the plant (Briskin.,…

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