


Background of the study

Secretaries are not born but made, although there are
people with the potentiality of becoming good, effective and efficient
secretaries. Before anybody can be called a Secretary, she must have unclear
gone certain trainings. The period of training varies from time to time and
depends on the level of operation. In other words, the degree of training will
determine where the secretary works. Generally, it is however required that a
person must have gone through series of trainings before she can qualify as a
secretary. During the period of training, no matter how short or long at takes,
it is expected that all the skills and knowledge required of her to be able to discharge
her duties effectively must have been acquired. Having acquired these, the end
result is to be able either to impact these skills and knowledge into others or
make the best use of them in various places where such are needed.

are not born but made, although there are people with the potential of becoming
good, effective trained and efficient secretaries. Before anybody can be called
a secretary, he or she must have undergone certain trainings but the period of
training varies from time to time and depends on the level of operation. In the
words the degree of training will determine where the secretary will work.
Generally, it is however required, that a person must undergo series of
trainings before he/she can be called a qualified secretary. During the period
of training, no matter how short or long it takes, it is expected that all the
skills and knowledge required of a secretary to be able to discharge her duties
effectively must have been acquired. Having acquired these, the end result is
to be able to impact these skills and knowledge into others or make the best
use of them in various places where such are needed 

of objectives and good returns on investment could only be attained if human
resources aspects of the human enterprise are properly developed through training
and manpower development. Atiomo, reiterated that an organization’s future
prosperity depends not only upon providing a product which is competitive
neither in price, quality and quantity nor of simply increasing the range of
products produced. If the organization has people of vision, energy and
experience to direct the force and facilities, then the other requirement for
success should follow. An organization may have employees of ability and
determination with appropriate equipment and managerial support yet
productivity fails below expected standard. By and large, the missing factors
in many cases are lack of adequate skills and knowledge which are acquired
through manpower training and development. Ojo as cited in Ngu argues that
despite the positive measure by Nigerian Government to encourage national
indigenous manpower development is still not encouraging. In a similar line of
reasoning studies by Yusuf, Jose and Ngu  also corroborated that most employing
institutions in Nigeria tend to feel less concerned in training and development
of its employees. Ojo attributed this to financial inabilities and more
generally lack of awareness of the importance of staff training and development
programmes as they affect employees performance in their respective
organizations. In the light of the foregoing, any organization, no matter how
advanced in science and technology cannot be represented by its building,
plants and equipment; rather it is the achievement and development of human
resource capital that is responsible for its increase in productivity. It is
against this backdrop, this study tends to look into the impact of training and
development on workers’ productivity through the Tertiary Education Trust Fund
(TETFund) Academic Staff Training and Development of some selected universities
in Nigeria. Ngu sees training and development to be the process of behavioural
modification or moulding of workers to integrate organizational needs with
their characteristics. Oribabor as cited in Kulkarni added that training and
development aims at developing competencies such as technical, human,
conceptual and managerial for the furtherance of individual and organization
growth. In interpreting the above postulation Onah maintains that at the time
of technological change and innovation both new and old employees need to be
trained to update their knowledge and skills and keep them abreast of the new
development in the techniques and methods of doing their jobs in order to
achieve individual and organizational objectives.

contents that training is the process of aiding employees in their present or
future worth through the development of appropriate habit of thought and
action, skills, knowledge and attitudes. Atiomo, in supporting the foregoing,
opines that training is the process of acquiring knowledge, skills and attitude
for the sole purpose of executing a specific or present job more effectively
and efficiently. Isyaku as cited in Kulkarni corroborated that the process of
training and development is a continuous one. It is an avenue to acquire more
and new knowledge and develop further the skills and techniques to function
effectively. In reassessing and reviewing the submissions of Halsay, Cruden and
Sherman, Ngu, Atiomo, Isyaku, Oribabor and Onah  as postulated above it shows that training is
a course of action designed to enable the individual to realise his potential
for self-growth and organizational development. Flippo as cited in Ngu
conceptualizes training as a calculated efforts aimed at increasing an employee
skills for doing a particular job and developing person’s knowledge for
vocational purpose. In correlation with the above stipulations the wordings of
French can be reiterated, he maintains that training is a process that aims to
bring up individuals up to a desire standards for present or potential
assignment. In a similar line of reasoning Glueck, sees training as a
systematic process of altering the behaviour, knowledge and motivation of employees
in a direction to increase organizational achievement. Glueck goes further to
assert that training is a premeditated course of action taken in order to bring
about changes in employees approach to work. In his own way Stones as cited in
Atiomo corroborated that training is any organizational planned efforts to
change the behaviour of employees so that they can perform to an acceptable and
standard result on the job. In analyzing the concept of training as submitted
by Glueck, Stones, Flippo, and French above, it can be seen and understood that
they examined training from both conceptual and operational viewpoints.
Therefore, training helps employees to improve their work performance in order
to ensure the standard and quality of work required by the organization to
achieve both organizational and individuals predetermined objectives According
to Wognum (2001, 408), training and development needs may occur at three
organizational levels namely; (1) strategic level where needs are determined by
top management while considering organizations goals, mission, strategy and
problems, which need to be resolved or fixed (2) tactical level where needs are
determined with middle management while considering developments needs to the
coordination and cooperation between organization units and (3) operational
level where needs are determined with lower executive management and other
employees while considering problems related to operations such as performance
problems of individual workers and departments in subject. In order to enable
an organization formulate human resource training and development goals that
will enable both formal and informal human resource training and development
methods and programmes create a workforce that enables effectiveness and
competitiveness, it is worth giving consideration to, providing proper
coordination as well as proper incorporation of the needs within the three
levels The first issue is to identify the needs relevant to the organizations
objectives. According to Wognum (2001) and Torrington et al. (2005), there are
three 23 categories of identifying training and development needs. These
include: resolving problems, this focuses on workers’ performance, improving
certain working practices, this focuses on improvement regardless of the
performance problems and changing or renewing the organization situation, which
may arise because of innovations or changes in strategy


For a good number of reasons, secretaries in some of our
financial institutions have been finding it very difficult to cope with the
performance of their function as it regards to human relations. This has
generated a lot of problems for secretaries. Some of the situations are
witnessed when an intolerant boss makes a mistake in the course of his duties
with the secretary, but fails to admit such mistakes; rather he costs the
blames on the secretary. Struggling to meet up with the demands of these
disgust executives as well as maintaining a good relationship with each other
and at the same time keeping up with the demands of the job is stressful to the
secretary. Again lack of fact in performing official duties by the secretary
constitute a very big problem, for instance when answering phone calls,
secretaries with poor relationship radiate this attitude to phone callers. This
equally applied when handling client’s affairs, because some secretaries by
their positions in financial institution do not take cognizance of the client
due to inefficiency in their job. In that regards Carvel F.J (1972) say “That a
problem arises when the boss finds the secretary sexually attractive. This he
says creates room for insolent secretary and an awkward office relationship now
prevails. In this regard the researcher will try to find the solutions to these
problems as it affects the secretary.


The objectives of the study are;

1.   To identify the impact of training as they affect secretaries
working environment.

2.   Investigate the role of human relations as an aid to
effective job performance

3.   To know whether the working environment under which workers
perform their duty is conductive enough for increase productively.

4.   To ascertain the relationship between training and job
performance of secretaries


the successful completion of the study, the following research hypotheses were
formulated by the researcher; 

there is no significant impact of training as on secretaries
work effectiveness.

there is a significant impact of training as on secretaries
work effectiveness.

H02: there is no relationship between on the job training
and job performance of secretaries

H2: there is a relationship between on the job training and job
performance of secretaries


This study is intended to create awareness on management of
organization, regarding the need to provide good and effective performance in
their organizations. The study will be of immense benefit to organization
individual and students, it will afford business organizations the opportunity
of knowing more of some of the employee wants and needs the various components
of human relations. They can use and its resultant effect on productivity.


This study covers some selected financial organizations in
Auchi. In particular, the study is geared towards findings out the possible
benefits of training on the effectiveness of secretaries in the banking
environment and the result of the study will assist the management of these organizations
in appraising its human relations practice with a view of having human
relations that is result oriented.  This study was carried out in
some financial organizations in Auchi and is delimited to Auchi metrophs with
the following organization covered. New Nigeria Bank, Auchiand Uchi Community Bank, Auchi in Enugu state. The researcher
encounters some constrain which limited the scope of the study;


The research material available to the researcher is insufficient, thereby
limiting the study   

b) TIME: The time frame allocated to the study does not
enhance wider coverage as the researcher has to combine other academic
activities and examinations with the study.

c) Organizational privacy:
Limited Access to the selected auditing firm makes it difficult to get all the
necessary and required information concerning the activities.  


HUMAN RELATION: Human relations are the process of training employees, addressing their
needs, fostering a workplace culture and resolving conflicts between different
employees or between employees and management.

JOB PERFORMANCE: Job performance assesses whether a person performs a job well. Job performance, studied academically
as part of industrial and organizational psychology, also forms a part of human
resources management. Performance is
an important criterion for organizational outcomes and success.

A secretary or personal assistant is a person whose work
consists of supporting management, including executives, using a variety of
project management, communication, or organizational skills

FINANCIAL INSTITUTION: Financial institutions are corporations which provide
services as intermediaries of financial markets

TRAINING: Training is teaching, or developing in oneself or others,
any skills and knowledge that relate to specific useful competencies. Training has specific goals of improving one’s capability, capacity, productivity and performance. It forms the core of apprenticeships and provides the backbone of content at institutes of technology


This research work is
organized in five chapters, for easy understanding, as follows

Chapter one is
concern with the introduction, which consist of the (overview, of the study),
historical background, statement of problem, objectives of the study, research
hypotheses, significance of the study, scope and limitation of the study,
definition of terms and historical background of the study. Chapter two
highlights the theoretical framework on which the study is based, thus the
review of related literature. Chapter three deals on the research design and
methodology adopted in the study. Chapter four concentrate on the data
collection and analysis and presentation of finding.  Chapter five gives summary, conclusion, and
recommendations made of the study

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