1.1 Background to the Study
Language is often seen generally as fundamental to human cognitive ability and development. Music on the other hand while being seen as human specific and universal, is often viewed as a secondary skill one which is predicated and draws it’s origin from and in language. However, when viewed critically it is often seen and arguably so that language is a systematically and universal kind of music in itself. A couple of recent studies into the roles of music and its application reveals that it is fundamental to language learning.
At any rate, music us seen as a universal human skill and specific to humans as well one you which every human who is born healthy is also born with the innate ability to produce or at least to appreciate.
However, in its level of application, music is often viewed in this regard as only applicable in the case of a slower cognitive development and while this is true to a great extent, it doesn’t excuse the fact that its role especially in language acquisition cannot be over emphasized.
1.2 Statement of the Problem
The application and significance of music in language learning especially in a young child has always been suspected to be integral to the process. This is the problem this present research work has assigned itself – to investigate into the influence of music in language learning on children through the eyes of a primary school teacher who has the front row seat to viewing the learning process in all its intricacies.
1.3 Research Questions
1.3.1 what are the different studies that have supported this research statement
1.3.2 What genre of music is most likely to aid language acquisition.
1.4 Objectives of the Study
The research aims at extensively describing the processes of music playing a significant role in the learning process of language in a child at primary and preprimary school level. The extent to which it quickens language acquisition in children will be analyzed while that of mentally challenged children will be discussed specifically in its own right.
The characteristics of music that help make it possible for it to aid language learning will be determined to a limited extent if time and space will allow while the research will also attempt to establish the limitations of music in aiding language learning whether such is informed by the language in question and/or the kind of music introduced.
1.5 Significance of the Study
The significance of this research work borders between applied music and aiding language teaching both in school and at home. In the former, it is important in that it sheds light on what can be introduced by the primary education board into the curriculum other than the recommendations of texts to be repeatedly read by children who are yet to get inured to the graphic mode of language learning. With music helping in this regard, efforts can be put in to determine how to adapt its use in classrooms.
Its findings and recommendations will also prove very useful to parents and teachers as stated above who find it very difficult teaching some of their mentally challenged children.
1.6 Research Hypothesis
The assumption on which this research was build is one that recognizes the influence of music in the language acquisition process in primary school children. So that the research seeks to prove with its thorough study the correctness of this hypothesis.
1.7 Scope of the Study
The research work will focus its study on teachers and pupils at primary school level and see to what extent music can be introduced in teaching language to them in practical terms. However, references might be made to the significance and use of music for the same purpose for kindergarten levels and comparing it with primary level one hopes to see the graduation and relevance of music in language learning.
1.8 Limitations of the Study
The major limitations of this research work is firstly the time factor to complete the required study within the given time irrespective of the volume of research that should go into the work. Another is that of resources to fund to conduct the length of observation needed arrive at a conclusion and make recommendations which did not come in the needed amount hence, reflecting, though minutely, on the work.
1.9 Definition of Terms
Language Acquisition
This refers to the learning of a language anew with all the four language skill at a reasonable level of proficiency both first languages and others.
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