This work centers on the study of the electrical energy consumption pattern of Ahmadu
Bello University Samaru Zaria over a period of five years to establish the present energy
demand and to project future demand .To obtain the amount and pattern of electrical
energy consumption, statistical data for five years were collected for PHCN supply and
generator supplement. These data were analyzed and forecast of future demand made
based on the analysis. The study found out that due to power outages from PHCN, the
University had to supplement PHCN supply by installing 7.74MW capacity Diesel and
Petrol generators in both academic and residential areas. The power supplied by these
generators constitute 42.6% of monthly energy consumption in 2003, 40% in 2004, 39%
in 2005, 49.3% in 2006, 55.27% in 2007 and 37.3% as at May 2008.
Some methods to reduce energy waste are recommended and sources other than fossil
fuel Powered generators are suggested for future supplement of supply from PHCN.
Cover page ………………………………..
Blank page ………………………………..
Title page ……………………………………………………..……i
Declaration ………………………………………………………………….ii
Dedication …………………………………………………………iv
Content………. ………………..……………………………..……vii
List of Tables…………………………………………………………x
List of Figures……………………………………………………….xi
1.1 Energy consumption overview…………………………………..1
1.2 Electrical energy generation and consumption in Nigeria……..4
1.2.1 Installations…………………………………………………….4
1.2.2 Statement of the problem……………………………………..6
1.2.3 Justification for the Research…………………………………9
1.2.4 Aims and Objectives…………………………………………….10
LITERATURE REVIEW…………………………………………..11
2.0 Introduction …………………………………………………….11
2.1 Energy utilization in ABU Samaru Zaria……………………..11
2.1.1 Electricity from PHCN……………………………………….11
2.1.2 Generators …………………………………………………… 11
2.1.3 Other types of energy used ……………………………………12
2.2 Review of local studies of electrical energy consumption
2.3 Review of studies outside Nigeria………………………………..16
2.4 The present Work …………………………………………….….19
3.1 Survey of electrical energy from PHCN through the Bulk
Metering Unit ………………………………………………………….20
3.2 Survey of electrical energy consumption from generators………20
3.3 Collation of information from the internet ………….…………..21
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ………………………………..……….23
4.1 Electrical energy consumption supplied by PHCN 2003…..…..23
4.2 Electrical energy consumption supplied by PHCN 2004…..….24
4.3 Electrical energy consumption supplied by PHCN 2005………25
4.4 Electrical energy consumption supplied by PHCN 2006………26
4.5 Electrical energy consumption supplied by PHCN 2007…….….27
4.6 Electrical energy consumption supplied by PHCN 2008………..28
4.7 Per capita electrical energy consumption…………………….….35
4.8 Energy consumption Forecast………………………………….…35
4.9 Discussions …………………………………………………………35
4.9.1 Electrical energy consumed from generators……………………..39
4.9.2 Percentage of power consumption from generators……….….…41
4.9.3 Installed capacity of generators in ABU Samaru Zaria………….44
4.9.4 Diesel consumption by generators…………………………………45
4.9.5 Energy Generated Analysis for 2007…………………….….……47
4.9.6 Proposal on Energy Mix for the university ………………………48
4.9.7 Energy Conservation Mode …………………………………….…49
5.1 Summary …….….…………………………………………,…..……51
5.2 Conclusion ………………………………………………………….51
5.3 Recommendation……………………………………………………52
The genesis of electricity supply in Nigeria dates back to the colonial era. The colonial
master commissioned the first phase of Ijora power station to supply power to selected
areas of Lagos and the environs. On the whole, Nigeria had about 200MW of electricity
as at independence in 1960 under the Government Electricity Undertaking (Oke et al,
The rate of growth of industries and urban cities was very drastic immediately after the
civil war of 1967 to 1970 and because of increased level of socialization and
industrialization, demand for electricity has increased drastically. Traditional firewoods
have given way to electric cookers and other renewable energy sources such as biogas.
Because of increased level of socialization and industrialization, demand for electronic
gadgets increased drastically. This gave a big challenge to government whose
responsibility is to maintain adequate supply of electricity to its citizen.
Notwithstanding the importance of modern energy forms in raising economic output,
they are often viewed as economic ‘bads’ not ‘good’ – a view that has gathered force in
recent years and is the source of much confusion in energy and environmental policies. In
some countries energy use is under attack not only from environmental group but also
from finance ministries who see high energy taxes as a means of simultaneously raising
revenues and reducing pollution. Energy demand in developing countries will rise
enormously as per capita incomes and population grows.
No country has been able to raise per capital income from low levels to high levels
without increasing its use of commercial energy. Modern energy forms have been proven
to have raised economic output of many countries in the world (Anderson, 1997).
Studies show that there is an increase in the world’s consumption of commercial energy
over this century. Forecast of long-term energy demand vary considerably with
assumption about the growth of per capita income and population.
In a macro or aggregate analysis, the factors considered to be affecting total national
energy consumption are;
a. National Population (NP)
b. Levels of national income in terms of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and
c. The level of national income In terms of Gross National Product (GNP)
Increasing population generally leads to increasing economic activities. Increase in
population and economic activities in a Country /University leads to increase in
consumption of energy. This generally results in more diverse energy application and
additional energy uses.
Sectoral analysis or the analysis of energy consumption of each economic sector provides
deeper understanding of energy –economy interaction. It thus provides a better basis for
projecting future energy consumption. It can be the basis for fine tuning policies that
includes well-focused intervention programs and appropriately designed investment
A sectoral energy analysis usually divides the economy into five major categories or
sectors as outlined in table 1;
a. Household (Education inclusive) Sector
b. Industrial Sector
c. Agricultural Sector
d. Service Sector and
e. Transport Sector.
In Nigeria, the house hold sector is the largest consuming sector in the economy. It
accounts for about a quarter of total commercial energy and over 90% traditional fuels,
especially firewood. It accounts for 62%, 65% and 65.1% of total delivered final energy
in 1985, 1987 and 1989 respectively.
Table1: Sectoral Final Energy consumption in Nigeria. (%)
SECTOR/YEAR 1985 1987 1989
House hold 62.0 65.0 65.1
Industry 15.0 15.0 11.3
Transport 22.0 19.0 20.2
Agriculture 0.4 0.4 .05
Services 0.6 0.6 2.5
Source: (Oke et al, 2007)
Energy is widely consumed in all these Sectors of the economy. Each sector is treated as
having some unique characteristic and patterns of energy consumption. Sectoral energy
analysis account for changes in the share of the contribution of each sector. It can also
account for changes in specific energy consumption in each sector and thus, recognizes
that the specific energy consumption of the total economy is not constant but changes
over time. Finally, it can also account for changes in the energy consumption for each
type of fuel such as wood, kerosene, gas and electricity over time. These changes are very
pronounced particularly during periods of rapid economic growth and transformation.
There are several forms of energy; these are electrical, mechanical and thermal energy.
Of all the final forms of energy, electricity stands out
Because of its advantages over others; Electricity is the cleanest of all the final forms of
energy, it is also more convenient to use. It causes no pollution and it is always ready for
use. Transportation of electricity is much easier than others.
This work focuses on the electrical energy consumption in the educational sector, the
university in particular. The University energy consumption is one part of the sectoral
analysis of energy consumption. Several surveys have been carried out around the world
to know the consumption of energy in universities and how best to manage the available
energy efficiently and improve the output and living standard of the University
From available records, (Ajayi and Balogun, 1981) electricity generation in Nigeria
began in 1896 when in Lagos 60KW of power was generated. The Nigerian electricity
supply company (NESCO) commenced operation as an electricity utility company in
Nigeria in 1929 with the construction of a hydroelectric power station in Kurra near Jos.
Several other towns in Nigeria later established electricity supply by the installation of
isolated generators in each town.
In 1946, the Nigerian Government Electricity undertaking was established to take over
the responsibility for electricity supply in Lagos area. In 1950, a central body was
established by the ordinance no. 15 of 1950 which transferred electricity supply and
development to the care of a central body known as Electricity Corporation of Nigeria
In 1962 another body known as the Niger Dams Authority (NDA) was established by an
act of parliament. The authority was mandated to develop the hydro power potentials of
the country. The energy produced by (NDA) was sold to ECN for distribution in Nigeria.
In the same year the first 132KV line was constructed to link Ijora and Ibadan power
stations. The operations of ECN and NDA were combined in 1972 to form a new
organization known as National Electric Power Authority (NEPA). (Ajayi and Balogun,
1981). The bulk of the supply of energy to the country has been the main task of NEPA.
NEPA was also mandated to maintain an efficient, coordinated and economic system of
electricity supply to all parts of the nation and to propel the nation’s technological and
industrial growth.
However, the ever increasing demand for electricity occasioned by the linking of several
communities to the national grid has made this mission largely unaccomplished. The
inability of the nation to increase generation capacity has made the energy balance
between production and consumption negative. The signing into law of the Electric
Power Sector Reform Act 2005 on the 11th March, 2005 set the stage for the unbundling
of NEPA into 18 companies. Nigerians are yet to see any improvement in the power
sector despite all the metamorphosis. The university being an integral part of the country
is not spared by the brown-outs, frequent heavily fluctuating voltages and most times
complete blackouts.
Nigeria’s power generating potential is adjudged the highest in Africa. This is attributed
to the abundant natural gas reserve of about 188 trillion cubic feet, which is the 8th in the
world; The country has enough associated gas potential to power giant thermal stations.
Despite Nigeria’s huge electrical power generation potentials, its power supply situation
has remained abysmally mournful. When other countries are encouraging investment in
nuclear power to compliment other sources of energy, Nigeria is still struggling to tap
fully the traditional sources of power.
The national electricity grid presently consists of eight generation stations, five thermal
stations (Alike, 2006);
a. 40MW thermal power plant in ljora
b. 1320MW in Egbin
c. 1020MW in Sapele
d. 912MW in Delta and
e. 969.6MW in Afam Rivers State.
Their combined capacity is 4,261.6MW.
The country also has three hydropower stations, which are;
a. 760 MW Kanji Dam
b. 578.4 MW Dam in Jebba and
c. 600 MW Dam in Shiroro.
Their total generating capacity is 1938.4 MW.
These are summarized in the table below.
Table2: Power stations in Nigeria
Kainji Egbin Sapele Ijora
Jebba Sapele Afam
Shiroro Dalta
Source: (Oke et al, 2007)
The fewness and sparse distribution of generating points relative to the size of the country
presents a big problem. The first problem is that clearly we have not invested sufficiently
in total generating capacity, apparently being satisfied with the present estimated demand
rather than a visionary attitude that more electricity generation stimulates more demand.
South Africa’s generation capacity has hit 36,000MW and the country plans to construct
an additional 5,000 MW by 2010. The country’s highest average demand in history was
34,000MW, recorded in June 2005. (Alike, 2006)
A couple of years ago Ghana celebrated her 25 years of uninterrupted power supply.
Though the Federal government’s reform process increased generation from 1,900MW in
1999 to 3,200MW, supply has since reduced to an abysmally low level of 2150MW while
the average national demand hover around 10,000MW.
Secondly, the eight (8) generation stations with more than half located along the coast
and the rest along the mid-section of the country with a capacity of 6,000 MW is on the
average 750 MW per generating station. When one shuts down or has a problem –due to
poor water levels, disrupted fuel supply or turbine breakdown or outright sabotage- it
depletes the national grid.
The sparse geographical distribution of generating points also means that average
distances over which electrical energy is distributed are high – anywhere from 300 to 500
kilometers. This results in line voltage and power loses as high as 25% compared with
3% in the United States and 0.5% in Japan. Also the grid voltages in Nigeria are typically
330kv compared with increasingly 765kv in developed countries. Generally, the higher
the grid line voltage, the lower the grid current hence for a given length of wire, the
smaller the line power loss. Distribution problems are compounded when electrical wires
are stolen and power transformers for stepping down and stepping up voltages along the
way are broken down. Thus reducing distribution distances, increasing the gridlines
voltages, improving security and maintenance culture are clear steps to be taken if
electricity supply is to be improved.
Another area where we have problems is in the area of revenue collection. Residential,
commercial and industrial consumers to whom the electricity is distributed at appropriate
voltages (240 Volts for residential and commercial users in Nigeria, and higher for some
commercial and industrial) have poor customer base services from the power holding
company of Nigeria (PHCN). As at June 2002, PHCN revenue (customer base) was put at
about 3.05 Million Naira for the year .83% of which where residential, 16% commercial
and 0.4% industrial in a country that is about 140 million population with 446 Local
government areas connected to the national grid out of 774. This is pitiful customer base.
(Aluko, 2006)
Zero voltage otherwise known as blackout, sustained low voltage (brownout) or frequent
heavily fluctuating voltages have been the order of the day in the experience of
Nigerians. This has made the desire to pay for such poor services quite understandably
Poor recording of electricity used by customer, poor collection methods and outright
fraud (payments not remitted to PHCN) have also been major problems.
Corruption and gross negligence at the Power Holding Company of Nigeria reached its
peak at the beginning of the past administration when the national grid of PHCN was
brought to a total collapse. A system collapse, which Nigeria last witnessed in 1991, was
recorded twice within 72 hours on March 10 and 14 year 2000.
The collapse was blamed on a mysterious fire at Shiroro power station but corruption and
gross negligence cannot be ruled out as remote causes.
The initial pumping of millions of dollars of oil revenue by government into the system
to replace outdated equipment did not help matters as the money ended up in private
pockets. (Alike, 2006) The whole system is corruption infested.
Nigerians and indeed investors are finding it increasingly unaffordable to do business in
the country partly because of high cost of alternative power supply.
In view of the above mentioned problems and their attendant effect on the university
community, there is need for the university to formulate new energy management policy
that will ensure that the system depends less on the power from the national grid- as it is
obvious that the power from the national grid cannot provide/satisfy the energy demand
of the university.
In view of the problems of electrical energy generation, transmission and distribution
highlighted above, there is need to study the energy consumption patterns of a Nigerian
university with a view to making recommendation that would enable the university to
adopt clear energy policy.
The research would enable the university to plan and implement a concise energy mix
that would solve the problems of inadequate energy supply and will enable the university
to plan energy saving schemes or modes.
The unbundling of the National Electric Power Authority (NEPA) into 18 companies; 6
generating companies, 11 distributing companies and 1 transmitting company has not
improved the performance of PHCN, hence the study would enable the university to look
elsewhere for steady and reliable power supply supplement.
In addition energy consumption reviews shows that there is power shortage at the
National level and in ABU. However, there is the need to study the pattern of electric
power consumption in ABU in order to determine the extent of short fall and therefore
recommend necessary steps for making up for current short fall and plan for future
increase in electric energy demand. This is in conformity with reviewed studies at
University of Glasgow; HEAR at OCU and “Save Power Committee” of PAN limited
The investigation into electrical energy consumption in ABU Samaru, Zaria is aimed at
identifying the present energy consumption; the energy needed by the university and
develop energy management procedure which is at the leading edge of good practice.
More specifically, the investigation is aimed at achieving the following objectives:
a. To study the electrical energy consumption pattern of the university with respect to
time of the year in order to determine future demands and to plan for appropriate
installations to meet future demands.
b. To advise the university system on ways of reducing wastages if any.
c. To promote energy saving awareness, identify and encourage the university to
implement energy saving measures.
This study is restricted to electrical energy consumption from
a. P.H.C.N
b. Diesel generators and
c. Petrol generators.
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