1.1 Background of the Study
Marketing is an essential business, and its vital contribution to the success of an organization is now widely recognized. Successful marketing result in satisfying products happier customers and reasonable profit, marketing more than any other business activity, deals with customers and their satisfaction to many laymen, marketing does not bring about customer satisfaction. This is simple because of their myopic vies about marketing. In this part of the world, non- professional marketers see marketing as simply selling goods and services in the retail shops, along the major street, persuasion, etc. The reason for this is because of the market, since the word market is commonly said and seen as a place for exchange of goods and services, therefore marketing involves selling or exchange in the market place.
Marketing consist of business related activities that seek to anticipate demand, help in developing and making the goods and services available to the satisfaction of consumers and users and at a profit to the organization (Kotler, 2004). Defines marketing as the business function that identifies currently unfulfilled needs and wants, defines and measures their magnitude, determines which target the organization can best serve and decides on appropriate product services and programmes to serves these markets (MC Neal, 2003). Marketing is a management process responsible for identification, anticipation and satisfaction of consumer’s needs and wants at a profit (London institute of marketing, 2010). (Evan and barman, 2006), defines marketing as a process by which heterogeneous supplies in nature are matched with the heterogeneous demand of the market place. Also, marketing is the economic and social process by which society’s needs are served through exchanges within the constraints of available and affordable resources. Marketing has different strategies that could be adopted as business philosophies.
Smith, 2012, defines marketing strategies as the selling of goods and that does not come back to people who do it. Olakmori (2001) note that marketing strategies could be regarded as a managerial proposition forward consumer, whose need determined what the organization produce. (Busch and Houston 2000). Marketing strategies holds that the key to achieving organizational goals which consist in determining the needs and wants of target markets and delivering to desired satisfaction more effectively and efficiently than other competitors. (Kotler, 2006). The marketing strategies recognize the top power of consumers in the market place, it therefore places premium on determining what the consumer actually want before creating and offering them. (Williams 2008). Marketing strategies has evolved in response to societal demands on organization not only to produce want satisfying goods and services but also to consider to lay emphasis on consumer’s needs and wants. Consumer’s interest and society well being.
Marketing strategies holds that the organization task is to determine the needs, wants and interest of target and so deliver the desired satisfaction more effectively and efficiently that competitors in a way that preserves or enhances the consumer’s and society’s wellbeing. (Kotler, 2006). Although, the marketing strategies are well preached and adopted by practitioners, this is still deficiency. Its deficiency found in the marketing strategies that lead to the adoption of societal marketing strategies does not consider the possible side-effect of consumer. Satisfaction on the present and long-run welfare of the consumers and the society at large. Marketing strategies holds that the success of a firm is measure by the degree of both customer and society well being and that management should direct it effort to satisfy consumer’s at a profit as well as maintaining the well being of the society. Marketing strategies are of different types which include Promotion, Advertising, Branding and Distribution.
Consumer satisfaction is a term frequently used in marketing. It is a measure of how product and services supplied by a company meet or surpass customer expectations. Customer satisfaction is defined by (Armstrong, 2010) as the number of customers or percentage of total customers, whose report and experience with a firm, its products, or its service rates high customer satisfaction is a concept that involved such factors as the quality of the product the atmosphere of the location where product or services is purchased and the price of the product or service. Customer satisfaction measures how well the expectation of a customer concerning a product or services product by a company are met. Customer satisfaction that exist among human beings and how this can influence human behaviour, in other words what could prompt human actions towards the purchase of goods and services from marketing firms (McNeal, 2009). Consumer behaviour is the situation whereby individual decide whether what, when, where, how and from whom to purchase goods and services.
Marketing strategies and consumers satisfaction centered on the idea of satisfying the needs of the customer by means of the product and the whole cluster of thing associated with creating, developing and finally consuming marketing strategies recognised the veto power of the consumer in the marketing place and therefore places premium on determining what the consumer actually want before creating and offering the goods and services. This research project intends to examine marketing strategies and customer’s satisfaction with product in manufacturing company with reference to Champion Breweries.
1.2 Statement of the Problem
Over the years, several attempts have been made by scholars and researchers to unravel the marketing strategies and customer’s satisfaction with product in a manufacturing company. But in most cases, these issues and this neglect the total success. Now Nigeria has come to realize that wealth does not last forever unless there is prudent management that could enhance customer’s satisfaction of products. Is therefore, very necessary that only relevant marketing strategies qualified person adopted as well as into management position in companies. Thus, it is employed with this mind that the researcher set to examine the different marketing strategies and customer’s satisfaction with product in a manufacturing company with particular reference to branding, advertising, promo and distribution.
1.3 Objectives of the Study
The researcher study has the following objectives
i. To examine the relationship between branding strategies and customer’s satisfaction with product in a manufacturing company.
ii. To access the relationship between advertising strategies and customers satisfaction with product in a manufacturing company.
iii. To determine the relationship between promo strategies and customer’s satisfaction in a manufacturing company.
iv. To ascertain the relationship between distribution strategies with product in a manufacturing company.
1.4 Research Questions
This research study has the following research questions
i. How does branding strategies related with marketing strategies and customer’s satisfaction?
ii. Does distribution of goods relate with customer’s satisfaction?
iii. How does promo relate with marketing strategies and customer’s satisfaction
iv. Does advertisement affect marketing strategies and customer’s satisfactions?
v. Does effective communication give information about product or company activities?
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