This study was designed to investigate the preservation and security of information sources in polytechnic libraries in South East States of Nigeria. This is with the aim of ascertaining the problems, the extent of book theft and mutilation, methods, effectiveness of methods, constraints and strategies for enhancement. Six objectives and research questions were formulated to guide the study. These research questions are: What are the factors that constitute the problems of preserving and securing information sources in polytechnic libraries in the south east states of Nigeria, what is the extent of book loss through theft and mutilation in these polytechnic libraries. What methods of preserving and securing information source are adopted by these libraries. To what extent are the methods adopted in preserving and securing their information sources effective. What are the constraints to preservation and security of information sources and what are the strategies for effective preservation and security of information sources. A descriptive survey design was adopted in carry out the study. The entire population was studied. The instruments for data collection were questionnaire, observation and interview. Out of 34 copies of the questionnaire distributed to the librarians of polytechnic libraries in South East States of Nigeria 33 copies were returned, representing 97% of the questionnaire distributed. To analyse the data, the following descriptive statistical measures were employed frequency table, simple percentages and mean (x). The result obtained from the analysis of data revealed that: The problems of preservation and security in polytechnic libraries in South East States were mutilation, theft, dust, overdue and disintegration of books, that these libraries used untrained security men to protect their information sources, that combination of methods can make the methods of protecting information sources effective, that there are many constraints and strategies to preservation and security of information sources. Based on the research findings, it was recommended that: libraries should embark on training and retraining of library security men, better incentives in terms of remuneration and training of all library staff and user as to the evils of these antisocial activities in the libraries.
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