The development of radio was part of man’s quest to send and receive information over space faster than “wired telegraph”.
This idea led to the development of radio in 1895 when Hugliemo Marconi (1874-1937) and Italian in his early 20s, carried out the first experiment on transmission of wireless signals and later sent the first wireless (Radio) communication signal using more codes over a 3 kilometers distance.
Like any electronic media radio broadcasting involves three stages of technical communication. The first is the production of programmed, second is the transmission and the third stage is the reception. Radio is one of the most ubiquitous, the most effective and cheapest medium of communication available to man today. It provides an opportunity for man’s environment. Through radio messages or information are received by means of electro-magnetic waves hence, the British calls it “wireless”.
From historical perspective (background), the broadcast media in Nigeria have come a long way and have gone through a lot of trying to keep space with intricacies of ever changing society. What took off as a more rudimentary? Experimented monitory station can now boast of direct satellite communication equipment.
The actual beginning of broadcast in Nigeria as noted was in 1932, where as point of an experiment by the British Broadcasting Corporate (BBC). Lagos was chosen as one of the centers around to receive and transmit British Empire Service Signal from Divinatory England then the Lagos station began to experiment with re-diffusion services, under the supervision of engineer and technical at the post and telegraphs department, who were also mandated to major population center across the country.
This relay system of BBC was replicated in mainly English speaking countries across the globe and succeed in taking BBC news and programmed to many parts of the world especially the British Colonies.
This will help to make recommendation to different operations in such media on how to avoid the pit falls of government owned radio broadcasting media. This is based on the fact that Splash F.M 105.5, Ibadan come to reality in the 2007, January 22.
Although the first private radio commercial broadcasting began in 1999 (with license), this station also came to reality and give room for a new dimension in the world of broadcasting in Nigeria.
Furthermore, for those media to achieve success, certain rules and care must be taken to avoid the past mistakes of government owned electronic media (Radio) that is the concealment of this research project. Electronic media serve as the alternative means of passing information to the general public because it eliminates the problem of illiteracy i.e inability to read and write.
Right from the advent of electronic media (radio and television) in Nigeria it has attracted public attention criticism this is due to the powerful nature and monopolistic ownership by the government. The movement towards broadcasting will be independent of government decision came followed the public and press criticism which was noticed in the 1950’s was the only central radio, then in Nigeria Broadcasting service (NBS) was being used as a government tool instead of being impartial and reflecting divergent views and cultural set-up of the nation. Adegbenro Dauda (Alhaji) in 1954 in a declared that “We in Nigeria do want half measures of being fed with incomplete and incorrect information.”
In view of this discussion, this study will look at the prospects and problems of private radio broadcast media in Nigeria using splash FM 105.5,Ibadan as a case study. Most private radio broadcast media are faced with a lot of problems compared with their achievement and this was so because, it goes along way to explain, since they are not owned by the government and cannot serve as their mouth piece and to some extent, this affect them because, the government is not responsible for their finances, they are only sponsored by their owners and in case of financial constraint, they will surely be affected.
- To what extent is splash FM, Ibadan facing problems?
- To what extent has splash FM, Ibadan carried out its social responsibilities?
- To what extent has private ownership affected splash FM, Ibadan in carrying out its duties effectively?
- To what extent has splash FM, Ibadan contributed to the development of the society.
- Is there any prospect for growth and development of splash FM, Ibadan?
- The main motive of this study is to find out problems and achievement so far of private radio broadcast media in Nigeria.
- The objective is to help structure the media system (radio) in such a way to bring into fulfillment the developmental roles which is the type needed in the third world countries like Nigeria for effective broadcasting.
- And to know if private media radio owners mortgage their conscience in the attempt to satisfy and protect the media properties.
Apart from evaluating the achievement of private radio broadcast and the problems facing the organization, the study is important, because, it makes the people have an easy and a timely access to information or news without hassle.
Also, this study will hasten the news gathering process of the reporters and facilities the delivery of information to a large and heterogeneous audience.
Moreover, this project work is scientifically concerned about the prospect of private broadcast media (radio), the contribution towards the development of our rural areas their achievement in the area of information dissemination in conjunction with their challenges. It will be of use and benefit to the organization i.e. private radio broadcast media in Nigeria having realized their weakness.
The scope of this work shall be from birth (inception) of private radio broadcast media in Nigeria till the present day. However, this study is concerned or focused on the prospects and problems of private radio broadcast media in Nigeria using splash FM, Ibadan as a case study. It is not possible for the researchers to examine all the private radio broadcast media. Hence, the scope of this research work will not go beyond the staff of splash FM, Ibadan.
Certain intervening factors were envisaged to militate against the organization and also to evaluate the achievement of private radio broadcast media, some of them were experienced in the course of this project, some of these factors are time lag, finances, lack of relevant book, materials, bureaucracy, attitude of respondent etc.
- TIME CONSTRAINTS: – Time is very vital in all aspects of our daily lives, the stipulated period for the completion of the study was not enough and the researchers had to hurridly patch-up something’s to ensure that the success of the exercise did not suffer as a result of time limitation.
- ATTITUDE OF THE RESPONDENTS: – The staffs of splash FM 105.5, Ibadan since they are private workers were not ready to give out information to the researchers and then those that released information were forced because they said that the station is still a new bone (baby). However, the researchers would be able to circumvent this obstacle with wide consultation perseverance and zealousness.
- LACK OF FUNDS: – This study has to conduct with the use of manager financial resources; this lone factor affected the procurement of certain relevant book materials that had to be gotten outside Osun State Polytechnic, Iree environment. So that researchers undergone a lot of stress and spend many times before factors are gotten for the research work.
BROADCAST MEDIA: – This consist of all radio and television stations owned and controlled by their government or individual and it can also be sending out programmed on radio or television to a large number of people in order to receive information and entertainment.
BROADCASTING: – This could be define as an act of sending information, news, message, ideas through air by means of what we know as radio communication to a large and heterogeneous audience who are located in different point of a wide area for reception through an appropriate sets of equipment designed for this purpose i.e. Radio or television set and such messages could be received without orally, visually or in both ways. M. O. Oyekanmi (2008 / 2).
PROBLEM: – They are the challenges or the difficulties faced by private radio broadcast media or those things that are difficult to deal with or to understand by private radio broadcast media.
PROSPECT: – This means that the advantages, success or achievements made by private radio
EXAMINING: – It means looking critically at something of someone or at certain issue or phenomenon.
The splash F.M 105.5, Ibadan was established on January 22, 2007. They brodasct in premier hotel in a rented room and uses one apartment in Felele Ibadan for all their administrative curriculum.
Chief Muritala Adebayo Akande former chairman licensed telecommunication of Nigeria is the general manager and Mr. flesh is the Managing Director of the station.
They had a total number of twelve staff and various freelancer splash F.M 105.5, Ibadan is a broadcasting station which has the following objective for its establishment.
To empower and influence mind and behaviour of our people by opening up and new window of knowledge and wisdom. To entertain the audience through the programmed and educate the large world about this through entertainment.
To be a leading light in the broadcast firmament and a reference point of a well structure and entertainment programmed.
Splash F.M 105.5, Mokola Hill, Ibadan operates in Ibadan city and transmit or daily from Monday to Sunday. The station has been able to be up to the task by disseminating correct information to the diversified audience and also refusing to be a mouth piece or organ for the government but gives equal right to both rich and poor in the society. The station serve as a voice of people (Vox pop) and also the town crier between the government and the masses as a whole.
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