The Utilization Of Local Raw Materials For The Production Of Marbled Wares Using The Jiggerjolley Techniques. – Complete project material



Sulayman Umar Adeika Adeiza, The U t i l i z a t i o n of
Local Raw Materials for the production of Marbled weres
using the Jigger-Jolley Techniques pagers 107
Tables: 13, Figures: 1 3, p l a t e s : 8 and Rerences: 26.
The problems of t h i s study were centred on
identification, beneficiation and u t i l i z a t i o n of
local raw materials and colouring Oxides for t he
production of marbled wares using the digger-jolley
techniques. It also focused attention on the
design and production of models, templates and
p l a s t e r moulds; as well as formulation of
s u i t a b l e bodies and colouring engobes.
The growing demand for ceramic Tablewares
necessitates the use of machines for mass
production and reproducibility of identical wares
beyond the limits of throwing and s l i p casting.
Moreso is man’s continued quest for creative colour
applications to evolve uniqueness in ceramic
Raw materials l i k e kaolin, secondary clays
Quartz, Wood Ash, etc were processed and used for
v i i i
making stoneware and p o r c l a i n bodies engobes and
g l a z e s . Also, models were made from which the
templates were fabricated using mahogany wood.
Oxides l i k e Iron Oxide, Manganese, Cobalt and
Chrome were used to colour a base s l i p for marbling
e f f e c t s . Also used were variously
coloured clay bodies and p l a s t i c s l i p for body a g a t e.
Samples were f i r e d to 1280°C in Oxidized Kerosene
and E l e c t r i c Kiln atmospheres.
The t e s t samples provided successful r e s u l t s in
terms of s t r u c t u r a l design and garbling t e s ts
conducted under transparent glazes. Sparkling
colour effects were recorded from wares coated with
water clear transparent glaze while mottled e f f e c ts
were recorded from wares bearing glaze II ( p a r t ly
t r a n s p a r e n t gla ze)
On t h e b a s i s of analysing data collected, the
following findings were made:
p l a s t e r to water r a t i o of 130: 100 is ideal
f o r making j i g g e r – j o l l e y moulds while such moulds
made in p a r t s can be joined t o g e t h e r with 140:100
r a t i o respectively.
p l a s t e r t u r n i n g on a Throwing Wheel has been
found to produce s u i t a b l e moulds for successful
j i g g e r – j o l l e y production.
B u f f – f i r i n g slip can be produced e n t i r e ly
from l o c a l l y sourced raw m a t e r i a l s without adding
any imported m a t e r i a l.
Seasoned Mahogany wood proved very s u i t a b l e for
t a k i n g c r o s s – s e c t i o n a l impressions of clay models.
I t is believed t h a t t h i s study will not only
c o n t r i b u t e to the body of knowledge in
I n d u s t r i a l Ceramics but will serve the needs of
Nigerian ceramic i n v e s t o r s.


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