This study was designed to investigate the time management and academic performance of library and information science undergraduate students at Nnamdi Azikiwe University and Univerrsity of Nigeria. The purpose was to determine time management and academic performance of library and information science students. Five research questions were formulated to guide the study and the population of the study comprises of 342 undergraduate regular students from 100, 200, 300, and 400 level offering Library and Information Science as a course in the above mentioned institution. The study employed the use of descriptive survey research design. The validity of the research instrument was established by three experts in the department of Library and Information Science. The research instrument is a structured questionnaire which contains 87 items from cluster A- E. Data obtained from the questionnaire was analyzed using mean and percentages and this formed the basis of the detailed analysis, conclusions and recommendations. The findings of this study revealed the need for effective time management among students. On the basis of the findings the researcher made the following conclusions; library school curriculum should be revisited to include programme like symposium, training, counseling and seminars on semester basis to bring out an expansion in teaching areas through the inclusion of time management courses, library and Information science educators should re-skill and cope with the new requirement in order to advance the profession to greater height and retain the relevance and identity in a rapidly developing information society. On the basis of thre conclusions made, the researcher recommends that students should get a daily planner and study time table and stick to it, they should avoid distractions at all cost, most especially, when they are in a conducive place of study, students should also develop a god study habit in order to understand how long he/she can study for effective outcome. However, there is the need for increased allocation of funds for universities and library schools in colleges and universities across the country for the development of infrastructure like conducive class rooms for study and a good library where students can consult materials that will increase their knowledge of what has been taught in class and also for the purpose of research.
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