The study was designed to determine the extent of ICT facilities utilization by lecturers and enhancement of effective teaching in Colleges of Education in Cross River State. Specifically, the study was designed to determine the extent of ICT facilities availability, accessibility, requisite skills of lecturers, how often lecturers utilize ICT facilities and how they on the utilization of these facilities in enhancing effective teaching. The study was guided by 5 research questions and 5 null hypotheses. Descriptive survey design was adopted for the study and because of the size the entire population was studied. Utilization of ICT Facilities for Effective Teaching Questionnaire (UICTFETQ) was the instrument used for data collection. The instrument was validated by four experts and the overall reliability coefficient of 0.771 was obtained. The data collected from the five research questions of the study were analyzed using the mean and standard deviation. A one way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to test the null hypotheses 1-4. The independent t-test was used to test hypothesis 5. The data analysis revealed that, the availability and accessibility of ICT facilities in enhancing effective teaching is to a very low extent, the extent to which lecturers possess the requisite skills of ICT facilities utilization is to a low extent. That lecturers in the Colleges very seldom utilize ICT facilities and that the extent to which lecturers in public and private colleges differ on the utilization of ICT facilities in enhancing effective teaching is to a low extent. It was recommended that, Government and other agencies should ensure the supply of ICT facilities and lecturers be allowed access to the available ICT facilities. Training programmes on ICT utilization should be organized for lecturers regularly.
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